University of Virginia Library

Early Search

The early search found several of the
officers going upstairs. "I was in my room,"
said Miss Kugel, "and they just barged in
without even a knock on the door. I was made
to go to the living room. There we were led to
believe that we could not follow them on their
investigation of the house. A couple of them
were with the state, because I asked one of

"We keep a clean house," said Mr. Bliley,
who arrived after the police had gone. "Four of
the five residents do transcendental meditation,
which discourages the use of drugs or even the
smoking of cigarettes." Also missing at the time
of the raid was "Susan," who was out on
personal business.

"They stayed a full hour," said Miss Wilson.
"As they left the officer in charge said 'I think
we're getting warm' to the four of us."