University of Virginia Library

Removal Of Clause

Some said that the Council should ask for
nothing less than the removal of the interim
suspension clause, while others said that, at the
very least, the provision should be modified by
procedural changes providing for an immediate
hearing on the charges and for removal of the
charges from the student's record if they are
determined to be unfounded.

The final motion that was approved by
Council presented their opposition both
"substantively and procedurally," supporting
prompt hearing within 24 hours and no
suspension before the hearing, with references
to the removal of charges from the record in
case of acquittals.

As for the standards of conduct, several
clarifications were proposed for some of the
provisions that the committee said were
"insufficiently precise."

The first rule prohibits the "physical abuse
of any person" on the Grounds, and the
Committee report asked that this term be
replaced by "any assault and/or battery" to
eliminate the "vagueness".