University of Virginia Library

Talks To Shannon

Before he spoke, Mr. Kunstler had a
telephone conversation with President Shannon.
Mr. Shannon said that the thought the
situation was "very tense."

Mr. Kunstler's reply was something like,
"Edgar don't worry, everything's under control
... Edgar just tell me one thing - where
are the high schools in this town? Because after
I shut down this University. I'm going to go shut
down those high schools too!"

At the press conference, Mr. Kunstler was
more subdued than when he was on stage. If
you've never been to a press conference it can
be really freaky. Every time you open your
mouth to ask a question the people from radio
and television stick a bunch of microphones in
your face, and then stick them into the face of
whomever you are asking something.

This process went on through the whole
conference, but Mr. Kunstler, hardened by
many such conferences didn't even notice.
Probably after dealing for so long with people
like Jerry Rubin, Bobby Seale, Rap Brown, and
Julius Hoffman, nothing could freak him.

After talking for a minute with someone
about a mutual friend in California, and after
Jerry Rubin, who is just as active off-stage as
on, rushed in to ask him something, Mr.
Kunstler began answering questions.