University of Virginia Library


Michael Capobianco, of the
Liquifactionist Party, cited the provisions
of reapportionment, student-proposed
referendums, and popular election of the
President and Vice President, and then
added: "It should be stressed, however,
that all these advantages do not stem
from the fact that the proposed
constitution is that intrinsically
wonderful - it is just that the one in
effect is so poor."

He also stated his reservations on the
referendum provision, saying that the
clause for holding referendums "by or at
the time of the next Council elections"
should be changed to "within two weeks"
to avoid delay.

Bruce Tyler of the Young Americans
for Freedom said that he found the new
constitution to be "objectionable." He
added, "It places too much power in the
hands of the Student Council over
individuals and organizations, power
which might easily be used in a
discriminatory manner, power which has
no justification. Impeachment criteria are
too vague. There is little justification for
closed meetings."

Concerning the popular elections
section of the proposed Constitution, he
said: "I support popular elections in the
spirit of the one man/one vote principle,
and in the hope that it will make Council
a little more representative."

Eric Royce, an Independent for
Libertarian Action, states: "I am basically
in favor of the proposed Constitution,
though I object to some of the
phraseology used and to the reference to
promoting 'improved community
conditions.' "

"Council should be restricted to
matters directly involving the university
and students," he said, "and it should
keep out of local political and national
policy arguments, as it cannot reasonably
presume to speak for students on such
issues without referendums. The
increased apportionment for the College
is a highly desirable feature."