University of Virginia Library

Five Representatives

If the voters of the College approve the
Constitution, there will be established a body
of five representatives from each class, a
chairman and a vice-chairman, and the eleven
(assuming the Student Council constitution is
ratified) College representatives on the Student

With 33 members, the College Council will
be larger than the Student Council.

Its only real power, however, will be the
regulation of "all student activities and organizations
of the College." Since most activities and
Organizations are open to all students of the
University, not many will fall under the College
Council's jurisdiction.

Nonetheless, the College Council could
relieve the Student Council of such duties as
the College portion of the Curriculum Evaluation
Report and, in theory, the election of the
Student Council representatives from the

Its 33 members will be 33 more students
who can be assigned to handle the increasing
work load of student government at the

What these two constitutions show better
than anything else, is not that student
government on the Grounds is getting better or
worse, but that it certainly is getting more