University of Virginia Library

Committee Members

A breakdown of the members to serve on
the committees and the primary functions of
each committee is as follows:

Academic Legislation — Eight faculty,
students Bob Fisher and Bruce Wine, and three
ex officio. It considers proposed legislation
pertaining to curriculum, academic standards,
and like matters, and studies proposed new
rules and courses and makes recommendations
concerning them to the Faculty.

Admissions Policy — Three faculty, student
Kevin Mannix. Assists and advises the Dean of
Admissions. It informs faculty of pertinent
admission policies.

Athletics — Three faculty, student Bob
Cullen. It informs faculty of those activities of
the Department of Athletics that relate to the

Community and Branch Colleges — faculty,
students Dave Bowman and Ron Cass. It studies
the function of the Community College, branch
and extension programs as they relate to the

Educational Policy and the Budget — Eight
faculty, students Bill Fryer, Paul Hurdle, and Al
Sinesky, and two ex officio. It studies
educational policy and academic standards, and
curriculum requirements and all matters of
policy with regard to requirements for major