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Student Safeguard
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Student Safeguard

The Honor System is safeguarded
by the students who alone
have the power and obligation to
accuse another student of an Honor
violation. The decisions of the
committee cannot be overruled by
any other authority:

As President of the College of
Arts and Sciences, Whittington W.
Clement will serve this year as
Chairman of the Honor Committee.
Mr. Clement was elected to that
position last May.

Serving as the student voice in
University affairs, the Student
Council functions as the representative
body of student government at
the University. It consists of representatives
elected proportionately
from the various schools of the
University. The Council advises the
President and administration, conducts
all elections and recognizes
student organizations, providing
them with funds through the
Student Activities Committee.

Formed in 1929 by a group of
students calling themselves the
"Student Senate and Assembly,"
the Council was authorized in 1930
to operate as the voice of student
opinion, to make recommendations
to the administration and to handle
disciplinary cases.