University of Virginia Library

Lower Standards

Another representative
countered with an argument based
on the fear that the motion
advocated the lowering of
admissions standards for a select
few. President Ed Hayes stepped
from the chair to say that
fraternities have been notorious for
discriminating against minority
groups, and added that he felt the
IFC should pass the motion to erase
any doubts in that area and to
support active recruiting on a
nondiscriminatory basis.

In other business, the IFC as a
group supported the soliciting of
money on the Grounds for starving
children in Biafra and the passage
of the coeducation issue in the
coming election.


Aid For Biafra

Today and tomorrow all students at the University are invited
to participate in the United Nation's Children's Fund (UNICEF)
campaign to aid the starving in Biafra by depositing the cost of
one meal in one of the ballot boxes located about the grounds.
All contributions will help defray the burden involved in sending
emergency relief supplies into the fighting zone.