University of Virginia Library

Breakfast Optional

During the season, team members
will eat all lunches and
dinners in Newcomb Hall. Breakfast
will be optional. In the last
few years the team has been
eating only dinners in the cafeteria.

Coach Blackburn cited the advice
of trainer Joe Gieck that
players' diets during the season
have been questionable at best
as the reason for the additional
meals in Newcomb Hall.

In explaining the proposal for
having the football players live
together in the dorms, Coach
Blackburn said he felt that team
cohesion and togetherness—one
of the ingredients of a winner—
should be improved.

He also noted that the team
will mingle more with the student
body and this should increase
school feeling for the team.

Coach Blackburn's proposal
brings to mind the controversy
late last April which arose when
basketball coach Bill Gibson first
introduced a plan for housing his
team — scholarship and non scholarship
players alike—in the

The following day the football
team voted to also move into
the dorms the following September.
In the rash of discussion
that followed, an editorial in
this paper entitled "What Price
Glory?" attacked the plan, a
former chairman of the Honor
Committee expressed concern
that the Honor System might be
jeopardized by such closely-knit
athletic teams, and Dean B. F. D.
Runk called the plan "foreign
to the traditions of the University."