University of Virginia Library


The Hospital is operating at a deficit and has been doing so through both years of this
biennium in spite of a large increase in rates which was made in April, 1951. Of course the Legislature
will have to make up this deficit, but it makes it difficult to secure funds for the
University proper when more and more money is being needed to keep the Hospital operating.

A special plea has been made for the $2,000,000 appropriation requested to replace the
old non-fireproof wings of the Hospital. The Dean of the Medical School, the President of the
Medical Alumni Association and the Director of the Hospital appeared with the President before
the House Appropriations Committee to make a plea for these funds, but there are insufficient
funds within the current revenues of the State to provide this $2,000,000. The President said
that in conversation with some members of the Legislature he found it their feeling that after
this biennium the Legislature would be able to provide for the capital outlay needs of State institutions,
having met the needs of the public school construction program in the last two bienniums.
The President said that he feels the best we can hope for from the segregation case now
pending is equalization and that such equalization will require several hundred million dollars
for public school construction. Hence he does not feel that the future looks any more promising
than the present

The President said it was important that the record show that the Board of Visitors and
the President have done everything they can to place before the Legislature the urgency of granting
the request for $2,000,000 for Hospital construction, that the fire hazard is very great.


After discussion of the matter it was the sense of the Board that each member should do
everything possible to call to the attention of the appropriate members of the Legislature the need
of the University Hospital for this appropriation

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On motion the meeting was then adjourned

Barron F. Black
Vincent Shea