University of Virginia Library


The President presented the following letter from Eggers and Higgins regarding the employment
of consultants in engineering for preparation of the working drawings for the addition to Cabell Hall.
The recommendations made by Eggers and Higgins were approved by the Board

542 Fifth Avenue
New York 19, N. Y.
The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Att: Dr. Colgate W. Darden, Jr.

In accordance with your letter of December 10th and in accordance with the existent contract,
we hereby propose the following engineers for the structural and mechanical engineering services,
respectively, in connection with the preparation of the working drawings for the Academic Building.

To prepare the plans and specifications for the structural elements, such as foundations, reinforced
concrete, etc., we propose the name of Marshall and Congwer, 1147 Connecticut Avenue, N. W.,
Washington, D. C. We have investigated the record of this firm very carefully, as well as consulting
with other architects and public officials in the District of Columbia, and we find that they are very
highly commended for their work with public agencies and other private architects.

For the mechanical engineering services, consisting of heating and ventilating, plumbing,
etc., we submit the name of Karsunky, Weller & Gooch, 2011 "K" Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. We
know this firm very well as they have done some prominent work with us for the U.S. Navy. Their record
is outstanding and they are well equipped with the personnel and experience for this job.

Both of these engineers have agreed to perform all the necessary engineering services, respectively,
on the basis of the fee arrangement now in force in contracts between the Commonwealth of
Virginia and other architects and engineers.

If these two proposed firms are satisfactory, we propose to enter into contracts with them,
using our regular form of engineering contract and appending thereto, and making it a part of the contract,
the existing contract between ourselves and the University of Virginia, dated July 23, 1948.
When the contracts are executed, we will forward to you an executed copy of the agreement between both
engineers and ourselves.

Both of these engineering firms are located in the District of Columbia, close to our Washington
office where the work will be performed.

May we have your confirmation of this arrangement so we may proceed forthwith with the necessary
work for the Academic Building.

Yours very truly,
(signed) George F. Denniston
GFD ds