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The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following promotions be and they are hereby made:

Miss Zula M. Baber, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Nursing, effective 1 August
1964, at a salary of $8,760 plus $1,000 for administrative duties.

Mr. James H. Bash, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Education, effective 1 September

Mr. Richard L. Beard, Associate Professor, to Professor of Education, effective 1 September

Mr. Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Associate Professor, to Professor of English, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary of $11,800 plus 20 per cent for summer work and $1,000 for administrative
duties, or a total salary of $15,160.

Mr. Douglas T. Day, Jr., Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of English, effective
1 September 1964.

Dr. Fred E. Dreifuss, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Neurology, effective
1 July 1964.

Dr. Nathaniel M. Ewell, Clinical Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, for one
year, effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. George P. Garrett, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of English, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Luther Y. Gore, Instructor in English, to Assistant Professor of Humanities, for three
years, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Leonard Levine, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Physiology, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. William B. Looney, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Radiology, effective
1 July 1964.

Mr. Fred C. McCormick, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Civil Engineering,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $9,900.

Dr. Frank C. McCue, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Orthopedics, for three years,
effective 1 July 1964.

Dr. George R. Minor, Associate Professor, to Professor of Surgery, effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Stanley S. Stahl, Jr., Associate Professor, to Professor of Education, effective 1 September

Dr. David V. Strider, Instructor, to Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopedics, for three
years, effective 1 July 1964.

Dr. Frederic B. Westervelt, Jr., Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine,
for three years, effective 1 July 1964.