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1 occurrence of Bloch, Paul J,
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1 occurrence of Bloch, Paul J,
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The Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Dr. John W. Mitchell as Professor of Physics, effective in September 1959.

Mr. Paul Summers Dulaney as Assistant Professor of Planning in the School of Architecture,
as of September 1958, at a session salary of $6,600, for three years.

Miss Nell Redwood as Associate Professor of Psychiatric Nursing for three years, as of July
15, 1958, at an annual salary of $6,600.

Miss Elise Michael as Assistant Professor of Nursing, as of September 1, 1958, for three
years, at an annual salary of $5,400.

Mr. Peter L. Heath as Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy for the second semester of the session
of 1958-59, at a salary of $3,700.

Mr. John Ridout as Lecturer in Mathematics in the School of Engineering, as of September 1,
1958, at a session salary of $6,000.

Mr. Rex Eugene Worthington as Instructor in English, as of September 1958, at a session
salary of $5,000.

Miss Delore Koontz as Instructor in Nursing, for the months of June, July and August 1958,
at a salary of $316.66 a month.

Mrs. Janice Parks Hylton as Instructor in Pediatric Nursing, as of June 10, 1958, at an
annual salary of $4,400. This is a replacement for Mrs. McGinty.

Miss Rose M. Martin as Instructor in Nursing, as of June 16, 1958, at an annual salary of

Mrs. Barbara R. Merin as Instructor in Nursing, effective July 1, 1958, at an annual salary
of $4,400. This is a replacement for Mrs. Zyzniewski.

Mr. Carl McFarland as Visiting Professor of Law for the session of 1958-59, at a session salary
of $11,600.

Dr. Lee Harris Potter as Visiting Assistant Professor of English for the session of 1958-59, at
a salary of $6,000.

Dr. Gilles O. Allard as Assistant Professor of Geology for three years, as of September 1958,
at a session salary of $6,000.

Dr. William Patrick Coleman as Lecturer in Medicine, as of September 1958, at no salary from
the University.

Mr. Samuel D. Hill as Part-time Instructor in Health and Physical Education in the School of
Education, at a salary of $2,250, for the session of 1958-59.

Mr. Hugh N. Birmingham as Instructor in Music at Clinch Valley College, as of September 1958,
at a session salary of $4,600.

Mrs. Frederica K. Temple as Instructor in Nursing, beginning September 1, 1958, at a salary of
$4,400 a year.

Mrs. Betty Norman Norris as Instructor in Nursing, as of September 15, 1958, at a salary of
$4,500 a year.

Mr. Robert Henry Moen as Acting Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering for the session of
1958-59, at a salary of $6,600.

Dr. Lever F. Stewart as Assistant Professor of Neurology for three years, as of September 15,
1958, at a salary of $12,000 per year, $4,000 from the State budget and $8,000 from the Neurology
Training Grant from the U. S. Public Health Service.

Mr. Bert A. Goldman as Part-time Instructor in Education, as of September, 1958, at a session
salary of $1,800.

Mr. James Mahlon Moyer as Part-time Instructor in the Department of Health and Physical
Education in the School of Education for the session of 1958-59, at a salary of $600.

Mr. Joseph H. Harrison as Associate Professor of History in the Northern Virginia College,
for the session of 1958-59, at a salary of $6,000.

Mrs. Vera Ray Hughes Brand as Instructor in Nursing, effective September 16, 1958, at a salary
of $4,400 a year.

Dr. Alden Robert Kuhlthau as Acting Professor of Mechanical Engineering for the session of 1958-59.
The budget of the Engineering School will assume a part of his salary proportional to the demand of
his faculty position upon his time, the rest to come from the Ordnance Laboratory.

Dr. Hermon Manley Parker as Acting Professor of Aeronautical Engineering for the session of
1958-59. He is employed at the Ordnance Research Laboratory. The budget of the Engineering School
will assume a part of his salary proportional to the demands of his faculty position upon his time.


Dr. Glenn Houston Miller as Acting Professor of Electrical Engineering for the session of
1958-59. He is employed at the Ordnance Research Laboratory. The budget of the Engineering
School will assume a part of his salary proportional to the demand of his faculty position upon
his time

Mr. Hyman I. Feinstein as Lecturer in Chemistry at the University Center in Northern Virginia,
for the session of 1958-59, at a salary of $6,500

Dr. Leon Salzman as Lecturer in Psychiatry, as of October 15, 1958.

Mr. Matthew Bruccoli as Instructor in English in the School of Engineering for the session
of 1958-59, at a salary of $5,000.

Mr. Onkar P. Bhatnagar as Visiting Professor of Foreign Affairs, part-time, in the second
semester of the session of 1958-59. It is proposed that he receive a stipend of $1500 from the
Doherty Fund, which will be supplemented by the Whitney Foundation

Dr. Everett Fogg Davis as Lecturer in Biology for the session of 1958-59, at a salary of
$6,500, in the Northern Virginia Center