University of Virginia Library

'Dangerous Precedent'

Some Council members;
however, expressed concern
over making such an allocation
from its own funds to an
individual club.

"It's setting a very
dangerous precedent,"
third-year college
representative Gregg Luce said.

"While it is a very expedient
answer to the immediate
problem,"Mr. Luce
explained,"it does bring up the
question of whether we should
fund other sports in the same

Law School Representative
Joel Gardner said that the
club's need merited special
consideration by Council.
"Looking at this case
realistically, I think this club
deserves the money far more
than a lot of the others funded
by the committee," he said.

Spokesmen for the club,
reputed to be one of the top
shooting teams in the nation,
told Council that their group
needed the additional money
to provide much-needed
equipment and continue
competition with
highly-ranked teams.