University of Virginia Library

“Sir,—This being the first letter which I have written
to my instructer in English, you will not expect much
correctness. My heart is too heavy, to allow me to
think of that. My mother and I have thought it not a
wrong thing, to send you, as a traveller, dear to us
both, and parting from us, the little matters contained
in this trunk. They may be of use to you. To us,
considering the dangers of the times, and our condition,
even if Providence had not given us abundance, they
could be of none. Some part of each of the articles


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of dress was wrought with my mother's needle and
mine. The cypher on the back of the watch is my
mother's hair and mine united. She has always been
your friend, and for her sake, if not for mine, you will
value it. When you look at the hours, assure yourself
that, however swiftly and pleasantly yours may pass,
mine will be anxious, heavy, and, as your poet says,

`Slow as the stealing progress of the year.'

The rest was dug from those mountains near us, which
you have so much, and so often admired, and may remind
you, when you are far away, that they still lift
their heads in unalterable grandeur, and repose above
our mansion, and remind me of the thunder-storm that
came over their blue summits, in the progress of which
storm, I admitted, for the first time, that I loved. It
would be all dross to me. But in the selfish and cruel
world, through which you have to make your way, they
may be of use to you. You will not, surely, refuse
these trifling matters from a simple and confiding young
lady, whose life you have twice saved, and who would
be glad of some little memorial in return. You need
have no scruples, for my father not only approved, but
suggested the offering. With all that you have done
for me, I remember but few words of distinguished
kindness that you have said. I could wish I could remember
more. You will not be so cruelly proud, as
to determine to have all the obligation on your side.
I know not, but you may remember me as forward or
foolish in my affection. I have driven away that bitter


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apprehension, by saying it is the last opportunity I shall
have to humble myself in that way.
