![]() | A catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |

JUNE 27, 1872.
APC. Applied Chemistry.
ApM. Applied Mathematics.
C. Chemistry.
Fr. French.
Ger. German.
G. Greek.
H&L. History and Literature.
L. Latin.
M. Mathematics.
MM. Mixed Mathematics.
ML. Modern Languages
(French and German).MP. Moral Philosophy.
NP. Natural Philosophy.
Adger, John B., Jr., | Columbia, S. C., | MP. |
Almond, Marcus Blakey, | Charlottesville, Va., | L, MP. |
Anderson, Joseph R., Jr., | Richmond, Va., | MP. |
Atkinson, Theodore Ellis, | Meriwether co., Ga., | NP, MP. |
Baldwin, Oliver Perry, Jr., | Baltimore, Md., | L, Fr. |
Baskervill, Patrick H., | Richmond, Va., | Ger. |
Battle, Jacob, | Edgecomb co., N. C., | Ger, C, H&L. |
Baylor, James Bowen, | Albemarle co., Va., | ApM, NP. |
Baylor, John Roy, Jr., | Albemarle co., Va., | H&L, MP. |
Boaz. William Henry, | Albemarle co., Va., | G, Ger, H&L. |
Bodley, Temple, | Louisville, Ky., | MP. |
Bosley, James, | Whitehall, Md., | C. |
Boykin, Elias Miller, | Charleston, S. C., | MP. |
Brookes, John St. Clair, | Alexandria, Va., | Fr, H&L. |
Brockenbrough, James C., | Richmond, Va., | Ger, M. |
Brock. Henry Clay, | Richmond, Va., | C, MP. |
Cabell, James Alston, | Richmond, Va., | M, ApM. |
Carter, Henry Rose, | Hanover co., Va., | M. |
Cocke, Charles Hartwell, | Powhatan co., Va., | M, MP. |
Coleman, James Daniel, | Caroline co., Va., | L, G. |
Cooper, Robert Muldrow, | Sumter co., S. C., | C. |
Creary, James Edwin, | Milton, Fla., | MP. |
Cuthbert, Wm. Harrison, | Petersburg, Va., | L. |
Dabney, Walter Davis, | Albemarle co., Va., | M. |
DeJarnette, J. Hampton, | Caroline co., Va., | L. |
Duke, R. T. W., Jr., | Albemarle co., Va., | MP. |
Dunnington, Frank P., | Baltimore, Md., | ApM, MP. |
Edwards, Thomas Riddle, | Gholson, Miss., | ML, H&L. |
Field, Willis Waverly, | Versailles, Ky., | NP. |
Fielder, Idus Lafayette, | Cuthbert, Ga., | MP. |
Forman, T. Throckmorton, | Lexington, Ky., | MP. |
Galt, Charles Ernest, | Washington, D.C., | MP. |
Gatling, John, | Hertford, N. C., | C. |
Goodman, Duke Williams, | Mobile, Ala., | H&L. |
Goodwin, Robert Archer, | Wytheville, Va., | MP. |
Gordon, Graham, | Fredericksburg, Va., | MP. |
Graves, Ralph Henry, Jr., | Oxford, N. C., | M. |
Green, Marcellus, | Jackson, Miss., | MP |
Gwyn, James, | Elkin, Tenn., | C. |
Harding, Edward Coles, | North'mb'land co, V. | M. |
Hardy, Jeffrey Ousley, | Arkadelphia, Ark., | Fr. |
Harrison, James Pinckney, | Amelia co., Va., | G, Fr. |
Hammond, Wesley, | Botetourt co., Va., | MP. |
Haxall, Wm. Newton, | Richmond, Va., | MP. |
Hinton, Charles Lewis, | Raleigh, N. C., | MP. |
Hoge, Addison, | Richmond, Va., | G. |
Holladay, Waller, | Albemarle co., Va., | ApM, C, ApC. |
Holman, Walter Scott, | Madison, N. C., | MP. |
Hume, Mareen D., | Beltsville, Md., | Fr, MP. |
Hunter, DeBrosse, | Westchester, N. Y., | C. |
Jacobs, Edwin, | Columbia, Mo., | MP. |
Jackson, R. Francis, | Petersburg, Va., | NP, C, H&L, MP. |
Jenkins, C. Augustus, | Yazoo city, Miss., | Fr. |
Johnson, B. Estes, | Louisa co., Va., | NP, C. |
Kerr, James Alex., | Petersburg, Va., | L. |
Kinnaird, Percy, | Nashville, Tenn., | MP. |
Kinnaird, J. Morris, | Fayette co., Ky., | MP. |
Koiner, Junius Samuel, | Waynesboro', Va., | Ger. |
Latimer, James Fair, | Abbeville, S. C., | G. |
McCown, George James, | Darlington, S. C., | M, ApM. |
McCalley, Henry, | Huntsville, Ala., | C. |
McCluer, Curtis, | O'Fallon, Mo., | MP. |
McDonnell, Frederick J, | Huntsville, Ala., | MP. |
McGuire, Francis Howe, | Clarke co., Va., | Fr. |
McKenney, W. R., | Petersburg, Va., | L, H&L. |
McMaster, F. James, | Newtown, Md., | MP. |
Major, Philip, | Culpeper co., Va., | ML. |
Mason, J. Randolph, | King George co., Va | Ger, MP |
Matthews, Julius E. F., | Barnesville, Ga., | MP. |
Maury, James Francis, | Shuqualak, Miss., | MP. |
Memminger, Allard, | Charleston, S. C., | H&L. |
Miller, Wm. Whitfield, | Kenansville, N. C., | ML, NP, C. |
Moore, Wm. Henry, | Baltimore, Md., | MP. |
Nicholas, R. Hollins, | Baltimore, Md., | L. |
Peyton, Bernard, | University of Va., | NP, ApC. |
Platt, H. Garvin, | Louisville, Ky., | L, Ger, M. |
Posey, Mason E. S., | Woodville, Miss., | ApM. |
Preot, G. Covington, | Danville, Va., | L. |
Prewitte, Robert Oliver, | Grand Junc., Tenn. | Ger. |
Rawls, Reuben Rice, | Union, S. C., | MP. |
Raymond, T. Laidlaw, | New Orleans, La., | M. |
Read, D. Warwick, | Bedford co., Va., | NP, C. |
Reed, Wm. Harvey, | Baltimore, Md., | MP. |
Rector, Elbridge Lee, | Austin, Texas, | Fr. |
Reynolds, Joseph, Jr., | Baltimore, Md., | Ger. |
Scott, Charles Landon, | Amherst co., Va., | L, Fr. |
Seddon, Thomas A., | Fredericksburg, Va., | H&L. |
Shelton, John Morriss, | Raymond, Miss., | Ger, H&L, MP |
Shelton, William, | Raymond, Miss., | NP. |
Sinclair, Cephus H., | Charlottesville, Va., | M, ApM. |
Smith, Samuel Mason, | Greensboro', N. C., | L. |
Smith, James Stewart, | Baltimore, Md., | MP. |
Steele, John Nelson, | Baltimore, Md., | H&L, MP. |
Stewart, J. Mushatt, | Winnsboro', S. C., | ApM, MP. |
Taylor, A. Henderson, | Alexandria, Va., | Ger, NP, C, MP. |
Taylor, Julian, | Alexandria, Va., | G, ML. |
Tebbs, R. Henry, | Leesburg, Va., | L, M. |
Thornton, William M., | Prince Edw. co., Va | G, C, MM. |
Tunstall, R. W., | Norfolk, Va., | L, G. |
Tyler, L. Gardiner, | Charles city co., Va., | L, M. |
Urquhart, R. Alexander, | Isle of Wight co., Va | C. |
Wait, C. Edmund, | Little Rock, Ark., | M, NP. |
Washburn, E. Davis, | Savannah, Ga., | G. |
Watkins, T. Gholson, | Petersburg, Va., | L. |
Wellford, R. Carter, | Richmond co., Va., | L, Fr, M. |
Whitaker, Harrison M., | Jefferson, Texas, | H&L. |
White, Irvine, | Huntsville, Ala., | H&L. |
White, Robb, | Warrenton, Va., | MP. |
Williams, Wm. Porter, | Humboldt, Tenn., | L. |
Williams, J. Sharp, | Memphis, Tenn., | Fr, MP. |
Williams, Goodwin H., | Baltimore, Md., | MP. |
Wilson, W. Edwin, | Elkton, Tenn., | C. |
Winston, S. Fauntleroy, | King & Queen co., V. | MP. |
Witherspoon, Rev. T. D., | University of Va., | MP. |
Wolfe, Rev. Geo. Lewis, | Charlottesville, Va., | MP. |
Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry | 3 |
Applied Mathematics | 7 |
Chemistry | 17 |
French | 11 |
German | 11 |
Greek | 9 |
History and Literature | 14 |
Latin | 18 |
Mathematics | 15 |
Mixed Mathematics | 1 |
Modern Languages | 4 |
Moral Philosophy | 46 |
Natural Philosophy | 12 |
![]() | A catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |