University of Virginia Library


In each school, there are three regular lectures a week; besides
which, there are in most of them extra lectures suited to the several
classes into which the school is divided. The mode of instruction is
by text-books and lectures, accompanied by rigid examinations. The
course pursued in each school, is as follows:


Professor Harrison.—In this school are taught the Latin and
Greek languages; the Greek and Roman History, Geography, and
Literature; and the Hebrew language. The instruction is given partly
by lectures and examinations, and partly by comments on portions of
the text-books appointed to be read by the student. It embraces the
following subjects, distributed according to the classes.

I. Junior Latin.—1. General principles and doctrines of the Etymology.


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2. The application of these general principles in the explanation
of the formation and composition of the words of the language, considered
individually, and without regard to their relations to other
words in a sentence.

The doctrine of the primary and secondary significations of words
is considered in connection with this branch of the subject, and is
illustrated in the lectures from day to day as occasion may offer.

3. The accidence, or inflectional forms of words, expressing the
relations in which they stand to other words in a sentence. These
modifications of the forms of words are in like manner explained by
the application of the general principles of the Etymology.

4. The Syntax, or laws which govern the relations existing between
the several parts of a sentence or discourse, whether indicated by the
inflections of words, or by particles. This subject is treated of partly
in lectures specially devoted to it, partly by way of prelections and
comment on the portions of authors read in the lecture room, and
partly in connection with the written exercises.

For the above subjects the text-books are the Professor's printed
notes, Beck's Latin Syntax, containing the most important parts of
the Syntax of Zumpt's Latin Grammar.

5. The doctrine of the quantity of syllables, and the metres. The
students are advised to use Carey's Latin Prosody, or Anthon's Prosody,
which contains what is most useful in Carey's.

6. The Latin authors used as text-books are Horace, Virgil, Cicero's
Orations, and his Epistles ad Diversos, Terence, and Cæsar's
Commentaries. The last chiefly with a view to the written exercises.

II. Senior Latin.—1. Prelections and commentaries on portions
of the classic authors, embracing, besides the other matters necessary
for the better understanding of these, a further developement of
the doctrines of philology taught in the Junior Class.

The text-books are Horace, Juvenal, Livy, and Tacitus.

2. Geography of Ancient Italy.—The Professor's printed notes
form the text-book. The maps of ancient and modern Italy, published
by the "Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge," are

3. Roman History. This subject is taught by prelections, and by
examinations on the text-books. These are the History of Rome
published by the "Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge,"
Niebuhr's History of Rome, Ferguson's Roman Republic, and Heeren's

III. Junior Greek.—1. The Etymology, considered in its general
principles and in its applications, the Syntax, and the Prosody and
metres, are taught to this class in the same way as to the Junior Latin.

For these subjects Buttmann's larger Greek Grammar is the textbook.
Thiersch's Tables of the Greek verb, by Patton, are referred
to and recommended.

The Greek authors read and explained in the lecture room, are
Xenophon's Anabasis, Herodotus, and a play of Æschylus or Euripides.
The Greek and English Lexicon of Donnegan is that preferred.


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IV. Senior Greek.—1. Prelections and commentaries on portions
of the Greek classic authors, in the same way as in the Senior Latin
class, and embracing the like subjects.

The Greek authors used as text-books in this class are Euripides,
Sophocles, Thucydides, and Homer. The student should have Matthiae's
Greek Grammar, 5th edition of the translation.

2. Ancient Geography of Greece. The printed notes of the Professor
form the text.

3. Ancient History of Greece. It is taught by prelections, and by
examinations on the text-books. These are Thirlwall's History of
Greece, Gillies' History of Greece, or the History of Greece in the
Library of Useful Knowledge, and Heeren's Manual.

It is expected of the students of Latin and Greek that they shall
read in their rooms such authors and parts of authors, prescribed by
the professor, as cannot be read in the lecture room: e. g.: Cicero's
Epistles to Atticus, his Orations (selected,) and Treatise "de Republica;"
Sallust, Virgil, Terence, Plautus: Æschylus, Sophocles,
Euripides, Aristophanes, Demosthenes, Æschines, Thucydides, &c.

As an essential part of the plan of instruction, the students of
each class are required to furnish written exercises; which consist
in the conversion of Latin or Greek into English, and of English
into Latin or Greek. The exercises are examined by the Professor,
and the errors marked: they are then returned to the students, and
the corrections stated and explained in the presence of the class.
For these exercises the classic authors are used as the text.

V. Hebrew.—The text-books are Biblia Hebraica, Bush's or Nordheimer's
Hebrew Grammar, and Gesenii Lexicon Manuale Hebr. et
Chald., or Sauerwein's edition of Rehkopf's Lex. Hebr. Chald.


Professor Kraitsir.—The subjects taught in this School are:

I. The French, Italian, Spanish, German, and Anglo-Saxon languages
and their literature. In each of these there are two classes.
The instruction is given by lectures, examinations, translations and
comments in the lecture room, and by written exercises out of the
lecture room.

II. The Geography, Ethnography, and History of Europe, since
the fall of the Roman empire to the present day.

If desired, there will be taught the other principal dialects of the
three great families of European tongues, namely; 1st, the Roman
(or language of the Troubadours), Portuguese and Valachian; 2d,
the Danish, Swedish, Icelandish, and Hollandish; 3d, the Slavonian,
Bohemian, Polish,
and Russian. The Magyar (or Hungarian), differing
from all these, can also be taught.

The text-books are the principal classic authors in each language,
Wm. Russell's History of Modern Europe, and Fred. Schlegel's Lectures
on the History of Ancient and Modern Literature.

It is required that two Degrees be obtained in this School, before
that of A. M. will be conferred.


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Professor Courtenay.—In this school there are four classes.

Of these, the Junior commences with the theory of Arithmetic, the
student being supposed to have rendered himself practically familiar
with its various rules before entering the University. The elements
of Algebra are then taught, and after the first difficulties are mastered,
the subjects of Algebra and Synthetic Geometry, are pursued

In the second or Intermediate Class, after completing the course of
Algebra and Geometry, commenced in the preceding class, there are
taught successively the theory of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry,
with the application of the former to the measurement of heights and
distances, and of the latter to Nautical Astronomy, the theory and
practice of Land Surveying and Levelling, Navigation, Descriptive
Geometry, with its applications to Spherical Projections, and the elementary
principles of Analytical Geometry.

The Senior Class completes the subject of Analytical Geometry,
and subsequently studies the Differential Calculus, concluding the
course of Pure Mathematics with the Integral Calculus.

There is also a class of Mixed Mathematics, designed exclusively
for such of the more advanced students as may desire to study the
subjects taught therein.

The course embraces the mathematical investigation of the general
laws of equilibrium and motion, both of solids and fluids, with a
variety of applications, especially to Physical Astronomy.

It consists chiefly of selections from the works of Poisson, Francœur,
Pontecoularet and others.

The instruction in each class is conveyed partly by lectures, and
partly by the systematic study of approved text-books, the student
being assisted by full and frequent explanations from the Professor,
and being constantly subjected to rigid examinations. The progress
of the student in every class is also tested by his being required to
perform written exercises, in which the principles acquired are applied
to the solution of particular problems.

The text-books used are: For the Junior Class, Lacroix's Arithmetic,
Davies's Bourdon's Algebra, and Legendre's Geometry. For
the Intermediate Class, Bourdon's Algebra, Legendre's Geometry and
Trigonometry, Davies's Surveying, Descriptive Geometry and Analytical
Geometry. For the Senior Class, Davies's Analytical Geometry,
Young's Differential Calculus, and Young's Integral Calculus.

Any student entering the school has the privilege of attending all
or any of the classes, as he may elect, and if prepared to enter an
advanced class, may often find it highly advantageous to review his
previous studies by an attendance on a lower class also.


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Professor Rogers.—There are two classes in this school, viz:
The general or Junior, and the Senior Class. In the former, the
illustrations are experimental and graphical, with occasional references
to the elementary truths of Geometry and Algebra. In the latter
mathematical demonstration is almost exclusively employed, sometimes
involving the use of the calculus.

The various subjects embraced in this school are treated of in the
following order, viz:

Mechanics, including Statics, Dynamics, Laws of Impulse and
Pressure, and Corpuscular Forces, Strength of Materials, Friction and
Machinery; Astronomy; Hydrodynamics, including Hydrostatics,
Hydraulics, Capillary Attraction, &c.; Pneumatics; Acoustics;
Heat, including Meteorology and the Steam Engine; Electricity and
Galvanism; Magnetism; Electro-Magnetism; Optics.

The text-books referred to in the Junior Class, are Lardner's Mechanics,
Hydrostatics and Pneumatics; Brewster's Optics by Bache;
Herschell's Astronomy; Library of Useful Knowledge, 2 vols. Nat.
Philos. The text-books in the Senior Class are, in addition to those
above enumerated, Young's Analytical Mechanics; Norton's Astronomy;
Bache's Appendix to Brewster's Optics. The student is also
referred to a selection of Theorems in Mechanics, Hydrodynamics,
Pneumatics, &c., made by the Professor.

In the Senior Class the students are examined upon the subjects of
lecture in the Junior Class, as well as the mathematical demonstrations
referred to in their text-books and notes.

The apparatus provided for the school of Natural Philosophy is
extensive, and enables the Professor to illustrate every part of his
course by experiments in the presence of his class. An Observatory,
with its appropriate astronomical instruments, is attached to this

Geology and Mineralogy form a part of the subjects embraced
in this school. Members of the class of Natural Philosophy are entitled
to enter that of Geology and Mineralogy without additional fee.

In Geology the practical and descriptive portions of the Science
are chiefly dwelt upon, particular reference being made to the geological
features of our own country.

In Mineralogy only those objects are treated of in detail which are
interesting in an economical point of view, or important in connection
with Geology.

Text-books.—In Geology—Lyell's Elements, and Bakewell or Dela
Beche. In Mineralogy—Allen's, Phillip's, or any of the elementary


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This school comprises the following branches of instruction, viz:

I.—Graphical Mathematics, embracing Descriptive Geometry, Perspective
Mensuration, &c.

II.—Theory of Levelling and Surveying, both ordinary and topographical.

III.—Theory of Roads, Railroads, Canals, Bridges, &c.

IV.—Theoretical Mechanics, Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics, as
connected with Engineering.

V.—Laws of Heat and Steam, Theory and Construction of the
Steam Engine.

VI.—Geology and Mineralogy.

VII.—Levelling, Surveying, &c., taught practically in the field.

VIII.—Plan Drawing, Plotting, Topographical Drawing and

The subjects named under the six first heads are divided between
the Professors of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Those included
under the 7th and 8th heads are taught by the Teacher of
Drawing, under the superintendence of the Professor above mentioned.


Professor R. E. Rogers.—This subject included in the medical
as well as the general academic course, and forming a department of
the school of Chemistry and Materia Medica, may be studied separately,
or in conjunction with the latter.

The Lectures, which are delivered twice a week throughout the
session, embrace a very full illustration of all the topics of theoretical
or practical importance in the science, and in its applications to
Mineralogy, Geology, the Chemical Arts, Agriculture and Physiology.

Beginning with an account of the phenomena and laws of Heat,
Light and Electricity, Mechanical and Voltaic, the course next takes
up the doctrines of chemical reaction, presenting a full and minute
view of the principles of definite combination, with their hypothetical
expression in the form of the atomic theory, and illustrating
these doctrines by numerous experiments and drawings. To this
succeeds Pneumatic Chemistry, in which are discussed the preparation,
properties and applications of the various gaseous bodies and
their compounds.

This is followed by the detailed account of the metals, their oxides,
chlorides, and other compounds, connecting with each metal the
chemical history of its important salts. A resumè is now given, accompanied
by illustrations of the various processes of analysis deduced
from the preceding facts.

Organic Chemistry is next taken up, embracing an account of all
the more important organic acids, alkaloids and neutral principles,


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together with a view of the alcaholic, acetous and putrefactive fermentation;
the doctrine Eremacausis and the chemistry of nutrition,
growth, respiration, &c. as exhibited in the vegetable and
animal economy. In connection with these topics, minute experimental
illustrations are given of all the valuable processes for the detection
of poisons, and for the counteracting their effects.

Throughout the course, use is continually made of ample diagrams,
illustrating the chemical reactions according to the precise method
of equivalents now in use, and the bearings of the recent generalizations
of Graham, Dumas and Leibig, are particularly referred to.


Professor Tucker.—There are two classes in this school. The
Junior Class studies Rhetoric, Belles-Letters and Logic the first half
of the session, and Belles-Letters and Ethics the last half.

The Senior Class studies Mental Philosophy the first part of the
session, and Political Economy the last. The examinations are on
the Professor's Lectures, Brown's Philosophy, Say's Political Economy,
Smith's Wealth of Nations, the Professor's works on Money and
Banks, and Rents, Wages and Profits.

In the Junior Class the examinations are on the Professor's Lectures,
Blair's Lectures, Campbell's Rhetoric, Stewart's Active and
Moral Powers, and Whately's Logic.

The students in this school are also exercised in composition.


Professor H. St. G. Tucker.—This school is arranged into two
classes. The subjects studied by the Junior Class are the Elementary
Principles of Municipal Law, the Law of Nature and Nations,
the Science of Government, and Constitutional Law. The text books
used will be Blackstone's Commentaries, that portion of Kent's Commentaries
which treats of Constitutional Law and the Law of Nations,
the Federalist, the Virginia Report of '99; in addition to which
ample lectures are delivered on the connection between the Law of
Nature and Municipal Law; on the Science of Government and its
various forms, particularly the representative and federative; and on
the various topics of Constitutional Law discussed in the text books.
In the arrangement of the political part of this course, the Professor's
object has been to lay before the student the most able dissertations
on both sides of the great constitutional questions which have
arisen in our country; to impress upon his mind the inestimable value
of the union on the one hand, and the vital importance of preserving
the rights of the states on the other; thus guarding him
against latitudinarian constructions and the invasion of the reserved
rights of the states, while the disorganizing principles which lead to
convulsion and disunion are earnestly discarded and industriously


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The subjects studied by the Senior Class are the Common and Statute
Law, the Principles of Equity and the Maritime and Commercial
Law. The text books will be Stephens on Pleading, Tucker's
Commentaries, Smith's Mercantile Law and Starkie's Evidence.

The following additional works will be useful to the student for
occasional examination: Thomas's Coke, Lomax on Executors and
Lomax's Digest.

Junior Class.—Paley's Philosophy, Constitution of Virginia.

Those who desire to graduate are required to attend both classes.

The design of this arrangement is to embrace in the Junior
course those studies which not only form an essential part of a liberal
professional education, but which from their universal interest and
importance, constitute a highly useful branch of general education:
whilst the Senior course is exclusively occupied with the study of
the theory and practice of Law, as a profession.

Students can attend either or both the classes; and those not wishing
to study Municipal Law at all, can enter for that portion of the
Junior course which includes National Law, Government and Constitutional

On the text books of both classes, comments are delivered by the
Professor, in which it is his object to supply what is deficient, and
explain what is obscure in the text, and to offer such remarks as he
deems necessary to a thorough understanding of the subject under
consideration. In those on Municipal Law, he refers to the leading
cases and authorities, American and English, illustrative of the topic
treated by the author, and particularly explains in its appropriate connection,
the Statute Law of Virginia and the United States, and its
effects on the pre-existing law. Each lecture is preceded by an examination
on the last, together with its text.

By a recent act of the legislature a diploma in this school dispenses
with the necessity of a license from the judges.