University of Virginia Library


The teaching staff numbers one hundred and six, of which fifty-one
are of professorial grade. The general and departmental libraries contain
about eighty thousand volumes. The value of the grounds, buildings,
and equipment owned by the University is $2,227,617.00. The University
holds productive funds to the amount of $2,089,673.93. In addition to
the income from endowment, students' fees, dormitories, etc., it receives
from the State annually $102,500. The expenditures for the session of
1913-1914 were $328,920.42.

The Leander McCormick Observatory, the Rouss Physical Laboratory,
the Chemical Laboratory, the Geological Laboratory, the Engineering Laboratories,
the Power, Light, and Heating Plant, the Lewis Brooks Museum
of Natural History, the Biological Laboratory, the Anatomical Laboratory,
the laboratories of Histology, Embryology, Pharmacology and Pathology,
the Physiological Laboratory, and the Hospital buildings and laboratories
offer large and modern facilities for the study of Pure and Applied Science.
The Department of Law and the School of Education are housed in buildings
which have been recently completed.