University of Virginia Library

Lyceum Course.

During the past several years an important
element in the entertainment
and culture of the University life has
been contributed by the high-grade programs
supplied in the Y. M. C. A.
Lyceum courses. This year a course of
unusual attractiveness is being announced.
It will consist of four regular numbers,
each being a recital by a musician
of international reputation. The dates,
with the names of the several artists to
render the programs, are as follows:

  • Oct. 17—Dr. Franklin Lawson, the eminent
    American tenor.

  • Nov. 11—Edouard Dethier, the great
    Belgian violinist.

  • Jan. 13—Angelo Patricolo, the Italian

  • Feb. 10—Madame Charlotte Maconda,
    the distinguished soprano.

Charles W. Paul, a graduate of the
Emerson College of Oratory, Boston,
Mass., has been appointed instructor in
public speaking for the present session.
Already between 30 and 40 men, chiefly
from the law school, have enrolled in
his classes.