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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Article I. In General.

§ 19-1. Abusive or profane language.

§ 19-2. Adultery or fornication.

§ 19-3. Repealed.

§ 19-4. Same—Defacing or tearing down.

§ 19-5. Same—Untrue, deceptive or misleading advertising.

§ 19-6. Same—Same—What deemed deceptive advertising.

§ 19-7. Reserved.

§ 19-8. Aircraft—Altitude over city.

§ 19-9. Same—Dropping advertising matter.

§ 19-10. Annoying or interfering with pupils of schools.

§ 19-11. Bad checks, etc.—Issuance prohibited.

§ 19-12. Same—Prima facie evidence of intent and knowledge.

§ 19-13. Same—Meaning of "credit".

§ 19-14. Same—Evidence in action for false imprisonment.

§ 19-15. Repealed.

§ 19-16. Carnivals and like exhibitions—Deposit to pay cost of policing.

§ 19-17. Same—Indecent shows or illegal games—Bond.

§ 19-18. Same—Same—Penalty; liability of surety on bond.

§ 19-19. Reserved.

§ 19-20. Curfew.

§ 19-21. Dance halls.

§ 19-22. Dangerous missiles; air guns, gravel shooters, etc.

§ 19-23. Defrauding hotels, boardinghouses, etc.

§ 19-23.1. Detectives and detective agencies—Detective review board; permits.

§ 19-24. Disguises and masks in public.

§ 19-25. Disorderly conduct.


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§ 19-26. Disturbing public assemblies.

§ 19-27. Disturbing public worship.

§ 19-28. Drunkenness.

§ 19-29. Failure or refusal to assist officer.

§ 19-30. Failure to deliver food or refund money where money accepted in

§ 19-31. Flying kites or playing ball in streets.

§ 19-32. Gambling—Keeping gaming table or device.

§ 19-33. Same—Keeping place for gaming.

§ 19-34. Same—Betting or participating in gambling.

§ 19-35. Same—Playing "craps."

§ 19-36. Same—Lotteries, raffles and bingo games.

§ 19-37. Gates—Leaving open.

§ 19-37.1. Halloween—Trick or treat visitations; special curfew.

§ 19-38. Houses of ill fame—Keeping or being inmate of house of ill fame.

§ 19-39. Same—Frequenting.

§ 19-40. Same—Renting property for use as house of ill fame.

§ 19-41. Same—Permitting use of property as house of ill fame after notice.

§ 19-42. Imitating police whistle.

§ 19-43. Indecent, obscene, etc., books, pictures, statuary, etc.

§ 19-44. Indecent exposure, obscene acts, language, etc.

§ 19-45. Injuring or defacing trees, shrubs, property, etc.

§ 19-45.1. Inoperative motor vehicles—Keeping of prohibited in certain districts.

§ 19-46. Interfering with females.

§ 19-47. Lewd persons; street walkers.

§ 19-47.1. Loitering in, obstructing, etc., streets, public places, etc.

§ 19-47.2. Malicious injury to public or religious buildings or property.

§ 19-48. Marathon dances or contests.

§ 19-49. Medicines, salves, etc.—Sale on streets.

§ 19-50. Merry-go-rounds, etc.

§ 19-51. Noise, odors and fumes; disturbing others.

§ 19-52. Occupying or using streets or public property contrary to law.

§ 19-53. Offensive matter.

§ 19-54. Pawnbrokers, junk and secondhand dealers — Daily records of articles
pawned or bought.

§ 19-55. Same—Reports to chief of police.

§ 19-56. Same—Penalty; revocation of license.

§ 19-57. Petit larceny.

§ 19-58. Poolrooms, bowling alleys, shooting galleries, etc. — Minors in poolrooms
or billiard saloons.

§ 19-59. Same — Hours; gambling.

§ 19-60. Prize fights.

§ 19-61. Refrigerators, etc.—Discarded or abandoned.

§ 19-62. Refuse matter thrown on streets or private property; dumping.

§ 19-63. Resisting or obstructing officers, employees, etc.


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§ 19-64. Riot, rout, assault and battery, etc.

§ 19-65. Sirens.

§ 19-66. Slot machines—Manufacturing, keeping, etc.

§ 19-67. Same—Definition.

§ 19-68. Same—Seizure and destruction; forfeiture of money.

§ 19-69. Reserved.

§ 19-70. Smoke.

§ 19-71. Smoking in theatres.

§ 19-72. Soliciting trade or business on streets.

§ 19-73. Spitting.

§ 19-74. Sunday—Working or transacting business.

§ 19-75. Repealed.

§ 19-76. Threatening messages.

§ 19-77. Tobacco—Sales, etc., to minors.

§ 19-78. Trespass.

§ 19-79. Unlawful assemblages.

§ 19-80. Vagrants—Persons deemed vagrants.

§ 19-81. Same—How dealt with.

§ 19-82. Reserved.

§ 19-83. Weapons—Carrying concealed weapons.

§ 19-84. Same—Shooting within city.

§ 19-85. Same—Sales, etc., to minors.

§ 19-85.1. Same — Sale of firearms, dirks or Bowie knives — Permit required.

§ 19-85.2. Same—Same—Records of sales of firearms.

§ 19-86. Weeds, etc., on vacant lots.

§ 19-86.1. Weeds, shrubbery, trees and other vegetation; unlawful conditions.

§ 19-87. Wells—Filling or covering.