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The Choir and The Oratory

or Praise and Prayer. By Josiah Conder

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Psalm cxxx.

Out of the deep I sighed.
Hear me, O God, I cried:
Bend down a gracious ear.
To Thee I make confession:
Lord! should'st Thou mark transgression,
What mortal could stand clear?
But there is full remission;
And sinners with contrition
May to Thy throne draw near.


His timely aid abiding,
In His sure word confiding,
I wait in meek suspense.
Those all the long night waking,
Watch for the morning's breaking
With longing less intense.
Israel! wait, unfearing,
Jehovah's kind appearing,
For Mercy is His name.
With Him is full redemption,
A rich and free exemption
From sorrow, guilt, and shame.