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A Metrical History of England

Or, Recollections, in Rhyme, Of some of the most prominent Features in our National Chronology, from the Landing of Julius Caesar to the Commencement of the Regency, in 1812. In Two Volumes ... By Thomas Dibdin

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As the Title of PRINCE of WALES has from this period been given to the eldest sons of the Kings of England, it may not be intrusive to insert here a brief but correct Chronology of the Princes of Wales, from Cadwallader, which was written by the Author of this Work some years ago, at Caermarthen, and frequently sung to the air of Collins's “Chapter of Kings.”

The Chapter of Welch Princes.


When Cadwallader, tired of staying at home,
Was bit by the Monks, and retired to Rome,
Prince Ivor reign'd next, of his subjects the hope,
Till he too went over to visit the Pope;
Yet barring all pother,
Of this, that, or t'other,
All came to be Princes in turn.


Then Roderick the first govern'd Cambrian land,
And after him Conan took sceptre in hand;


Next Merfyn, the valiant, who perish'd in fight,
When Rod'rick the Great became Britain's delight.
Yet barring, &c.


Sanguine and brief was Prince Anaraud's reign,
Till in battle himself and his son were both slain;
(Most reigns at this period with discord were curst,)
Next Edwal succeeded, then Howel the first.
Yet barring, &c.


Iago and Ievaf together bore sway,
Who six hundred wolves' heads to England did pay,
Brave Howel the second in war met his death;
And a brother deprived poor Cadwalhan of breath.
Yet barring, &c.


Prince Meridith died of a broken heart,
Edwal the second by Sweyno's dart;


Ædan in battle too finish'd his race,
And Llewellyn by traitors who wanted his place.
Yet barring, &c.


Iago the second by treachery fell,
As did Gryffyd the first, tho' he reign'd long and well;
And Blethyn ap Confyn, was murder'd too,
By Trahaern, whom Gryffyd in battle slew.
Thus barring, &c.


Good Gryffyd the second ruled many bright years,
And his tomb was bedew'd by a whole nation's tears;
He by Owen was follow'd his offspring and heir;
Next David succeeding, was hurl'd from the chair.
For barring, &c.


Llewellyn the second, so good and so great,
To David the second bequeathed his state;


Llewellyn the third, like a hero did reign,
Till by Edward of England he basely was slain.
Yet barring, &c.


Caernarvon gave birth to the next British Prince,
And England's first-born have been Sov'reigns since;
While loyal, affectionate, hardy, and free,
The Welch have remain'd, and for aye may they be.
And Cambria united see all of her Princes
Come safe to be Kings in their turn.