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De sancto Kenelmo

Seint Kenelm þe ȝonge kyng þat holy martir is
Kyng he was of Engelond of þe March of Walis
Þe [king] Kenul[f] is fader was þat king was þere also
Þat rerde þe abbey of Winchecombe & let þer monkes do
After is deþ was þere ibured and ȝute he liþ þere


In þe abbeie þat ȝute stont þat he let him sulf rere
Gret cite was þo Winchecombe and mest of inou
Of al þulke half of Engelond as uer as is lond drou
Vif kinges þere were þulke tyme in Engelond ido
For Engelond was god and long & somdel brod þerto
Aboute eiȝte hondred mile Engelond long is
Fram þe souþ into þe norþ and to hondred brod iwis
Fram þe est into þe west and also þere inne beoþ
Manie wateres god inou as ȝe alday iseoþ
Ac þreo wateres principals þer beoþ of alle iwis
Homber and Temese Seuerne þe þridde is
To þe norþ se Homber geþ þat is on of þe beste
And Temese into þe est se and Seuerne bi weste
Þis vif kynges of Engelond þat were bi olde dawe
Hadde hore part ech bi him sulue as was riȝt & lawe
Þe kyng þat was king of þe March hadde þo þe beste
Muchedel he hadde of Engelond þe on half al by weste
Wircetre ssire and Warwik ssire and also of Gloucestre
Þat is nei a bissopriche þe bissops of Wircestre
He hadde eke þerto Chestre ssire and Derbi ssire also
And Stafford ssire þat beoþ alle in o bissopriche ido
In þe bissopriche of Chestre and ȝute he hadde þerto
Ssropssire som haluendel Warwik ssire also
Þe king hadde ek Herford ssire þat o bissopriche is
Ac Ssropssire falþ haluendel to þulke bissopriche iwis
And som also of Gloucetre ssire and of Warwik ssire also
Ȝute hadde þe king of þe March wel more lond þerto
Norhamtessire Bokyngham ssire & þe ssire of Oxenford
Leicestre ssire Lyncolne ssire and þe ssire of Her[t]ford
Þat is al o bissopriche þat of Lincolne is
Þat wile was at Derchestre biside Oxenford iwis
Ȝute hadde þe king of þe March Notyngham ssire þerto
In þe bissopriche of Euerwik ac þo nas it noȝt so
Al þis lond was wile icluped þe March of Walis
And of al was sein Kenelm and is fader kyng iwis


Non of al þe oþer is þing aȝen þis kynedom nas
And Winchecombe of al þis lond chef cite þo was
Þis vif kinges þat were þo þe on was of Kent iwis
And þe oþer as ich sede er of þe March of Walis
Of West Sex and of Homberlond & of þe Estlond also
Þeos viue kinedoms were in Englond þo ido
Þe king of West Sex hadde þo al Wiltessire iwis
And Dorsete and Barcssire þat o bissopriche al is
Þe bissopriche of Salesbury ac þo nas it so noȝt
For þe cheff was of þe bissopriche of Ssireborne þo ibroȝt
Ȝute hadde þe king of Westsex al Sousex also
Þe Welde and al þe bissopriche of Circetre þer to
And Souþhamtessire and Soþereie þat o bissopriche is
Þe bissopriche of Winchestre þat ȝute is þere iwis
And Somersete þat to Wellis þulke tyme drou
Nou it is þe bissopriche of Baþe ȝe witeþ wel inou
Ȝute hadde þe king of Westsex al Deuenssire iwis
And Cornwale þat in þe bissopriche of Exetre is
Þe king of Kent was þo king of al þe lond of Kent
Þat were inne to bissopriches and ȝute nis is noȝt iwend
Þe erchebissop of Kanterburi þat of Engelond is hext
And þe bissopriche of Roucetre þat in þe west side is next
Þe king ek of Estlond king was of Norþ Folk
In þe bissopriche of Norþwich and also of Souþ Folk
And of þe bissopriche of Eoly þat þe ile of Eoli is
And of Grante Brugge ssire þat þerto ualþ iwis
Of þis lond was seint Edmond kyng bi olde dawe
Þat was inis owe lond ȝe witeþ wel aslawe
Þe king of Norþhomberlond was king ich vnderstonde
Of al þe lond biȝende Omber anon into Scotlonde
Of þe erchebissop of Euerwik and of Duram iwis
Seint Oswold bi olde dawe king was of al þis
Þus mony kinges þere were wile in Engelonde
And hore londes departed were þus ich vnderstonde


Þe kyng þat was of þe March as ich telle bigan
Kenulf þe king was icluped swiþe holy & godman
Sein Kenelm is sone was and is eir also
Borunuld and Queindride is doȝtren were to
In þe [four &] twentiþe ȝere of is kynedom
Kenulf wende out of þis worlde & to þe ioie of heuene com
Hit was after þat oure Louerd inis moder aliȝte
Eiȝte hondred ȝer & nientene bi acontes riȝt
Sein Kenelm is ȝonge sone inis seueþe ȝere
Kyng was ymad after him þei he ȝong child were
Is o suster Borwenuld louede him inou
In eche manere to holy lif and to eche godnesse drou
Ac Quendride þe oþer suster of hure manere nis noȝt
For heo turnde to felonie and to luþerhede al hure þoȝt
He sei þat hure ȝonge broþer þat nas noȝt of seue ȝer
Kyng was imad of al þat lond þat hore fader hadde er
To him he[o] hadde gret envie þat he so riche be[o]
And eir of hure fader lond & ricchore þanne he[o]
Heo þoȝte ȝif he[o] miȝte bringe þis child of lyf dawe
Þat heo were of þe eritage quene bi riȝte lawe
Al hure þoȝt was niȝt and day to biþenche som outrage
Þat þi[s] child were ibroȝt of dawe & he[o] hadde þe eritage
Heo porueide hure felonie a poison strong inou
Forto ȝiue þis ȝonge child and to sle him so wiþ wou
Þo þis poison was iȝiue al for noȝt it was
For þo þe child it hadde idronke noþewors him nas
For oure Louerd nolde þat he ssolde so liȝtliche imartred be[o]
Ȝif þe luþer quene wolde spede oþer heo moste byse[o]
For þer of heo caste ambes as heo þoȝte anoþer þoȝt
Þo he[o] sei it was for noȝt þat þe poison was iwroȝt
Þis ȝonge child a maister hadde þat is wardein was
Askeberd he was icluped strong trichour alas


For noman ne may þan oþer tricherie bet do
Þanne þulke þat is him next and þat he trist mest to
Þis luþer quene biþoȝte hure of an felle wrenche
For me seiþ þer nis no felonie þat womman ne can þenche
Mid þis Askeberd heo spak þis child to quelle & spille
And bihet him mede god inou and of hure al is wille
So þat þis to luþer þinges were at one rede
And bispeke hou hi miȝte best do þis luþer dede
Þe wile hi bispeke boþe þis ȝonge child to quelle
Þis sweuene þat child matte þat ichelle nou telle
Him þoȝte þat þer stod a tre[o] riȝt touore is bedde
Þat anon to þe sterren tilde and wel wide spradde
Þis tre[o] was fair and noble inou & ssinde briȝt inou
Fol of blosmen and of frut and of mani a riche bou
Bernynge wex and lampen ek wel þicke brende & liȝte
So noble tre[o] nas neuere iseie ne þat ssinde so briȝte
He þoȝte he clam uppon þis tre[o] to þe hexte bou an hey
And bihuld aboute into al þe world & prute inou ysey
Þe wile he stod uppon þis tre[o] & bihuld aboute so
Hym þoȝte on of is nexte frend þat he mest triste to
In þe gronde stod bineþe and smot ato þis tre[o]
Þat it fel to gronde anon þat deol it was to se[o]
To a litel foul he bicom no fairour nemiȝte be[o]
And bigan wiþ ioie inou riȝt into heuene vle[o]
Þo þis child matte þus at Winchecombe [he] lay
He awok and was in þoȝte þer of niȝt & day
He nuste wat is to tokne þe more was is þoȝt
Ar he þer of somþing weste he nemiȝte be[o] bliþe noȝt
His norse þat him hadde yued & wiþ hure milk forþ ibroȝt
Tendrost was of þis child for he[o] hadde him deore aboȝt


To hure þat child triste mest Wolwenne hure name was
Þis child hure tolde in priuete of is sweuene al þat cas
Þo þis norise hadde ihurd þat sweuene þat was so god
Heo bigan to sike sore and in þoȝte stod
Alas he[o] sede þat ich ssolde þus day euere ibide
Þat mi child mi swete herte such cas ssolde bitide
Alas mi child mi swete fode þat ich habbe forþ ibroȝt
Þi soster bispecþ þi deþ and quelle þe haþ iþoȝt
Ac þe fowel þat þou bicome to þat gan to heuene wende
Þat was þi soule þat þuder ssel after þi liues ende
Þis sweuene bicom soþ inou þat he uond attelaste
For is suster and Askeberd bispeke is deþ wel uaste
Þis Askeberd sede a day þat þis child scholde wende
An honteþ forto pleie him bi þe wodes ende
And he wiþ him as it was riȝt to wardi him biweye
Hi wende to þe wode of Clent as it were to pleie
As hi wende aboute þis wode as God ȝaf þat grace
A god wille þe child com on to slepe þer in a place
Adon he lay wel softe þere and bigan to slepe anon
Askeberd ne þoȝte noȝt þat he ssolde þanne gon
Biside in a deorne stude he bigan to delue uaste
A put forto sle þis child & suþþe þer inne it caste
Þis child bigan to awake sone as it were bicas
After is maister he bihuld & ne sei noȝt ware he was
As oure Louerd hom ȝa[f] þe grace þere he nuste noȝt of is dede
Þat he spak toward is maister and þes wordes sede
Þou trauailest þere aboute noȝt & þi wile þou dost spille
For in an oþer stude ich ssel deie ware so is Godes wille
And þoru þis ȝeorde þat here is toknynge þou sselt ise[o]
Wanne þi luþer wille it mai do þat ich imartred be[o]
Forþ wende þis luþer maister and þis child also
Forte hi come to anoþer stude þat þis dede were ido


Askeberd þis ȝeorde nom and sette is in þe gronde
And he bigan to leui sone and wexe in a stonde
And a gret ass bicome suþþe ȝute stont in þulke place
To ssewi þe miȝte of seint Kenelm & oure Louerdes grace
Þis luþermon nom þis child in þe wode of Clent
And ladde him as me deþ a þeof to auonge is iugement
He ladde him in a priue stude al out of þe weie
Bitwene tweie hulles heie in a dep valeie
Þis child þoru þe Holi Gost þei þe oþer him nolde telle
Wuste wel is luþer þoȝt and þat he þoȝte him quelle
And þo he targede a lite wile þis luþer dede to done
Þe chil[d] sede wel mildeliche þat þou dest do sone
He bigan a saume þat me singþ in Holy Churche aday
Þat was Te Deum laudamus ar he adoun lay
And þo he com to an holy uers þat þer inne was and is
A Latin iwrite as al þat oþer and an Englis is þis
[Þ]e wite companie of martirs Louerd hereþ þe
Riȝt as he hadde þat vers ysed as þe boc telleþ me
Þe luþer man smot of is heued vnder an hauþorn tre[o]
As it Godes wille was þat he imartred ssolde be[o]
A coluere wiȝt so eny snou out of him gan te[o]
And riȝt euene was iseie into heuene vle[o]
Vnneþe he was seue ȝer old ar he imartred were
Al to soþ is sweuene was as me miȝte iseo þere
Þis luþer man þat him slou bigan to delue faste
And made a put deop inou & þer inne þis child caste
And burede it þere faste inou þat it yfonde nere
And wende aȝen forþ is wey and let it ligge þere
To Quendride is luþer suster anon he gan wende
And tolde hure al þis luþer dede fram þe gynnynge to þe ende
Þis quene was þo glad inou aboute he[o] wende anon
Forto saisi al þe lond and þe maners echon


And made hure quene of al þe March as hure broþer was er king
A ssrewe leuedi bicom inou and luþer þoru alle þing
And wende aboute up al hure lond to auonge hure manrede
And bicom sturne and huld hure men in sorwe & wrechede
Nou in þe quedes part mote he[o] ride fram toune to toune
And falsliche as heo com anhei also he[o] fel þere doune
Heo het hote into al þe lond þat noman so wod were
To anemne enes hure broþer name for loue ne for fere
And ȝif he[o] miȝte of eni iwite þat it nere noȝt bileued
Þat he nere anon inome and ismite of is heued
Þus verde þis luþer quene and sturede hure wel vaste
Þat noman ne dorste hure broþer nemne so hi were of hure agaste
Euere lay þis holy body ybured swuþe stille
Þat noman ne deorste him enes nemne aȝen þe quenes wille
So longe þat he was al forȝute wanne me nemiȝte of him speke
Ac it nas noȝt so þat oure Louerd attelaste him wolde awreke
Wanne noman nolde þat witty was on him þenche ene
Nolde oure Louerd þat he were allinge forȝute so clene
Wanne noman þat witti was of him nadde munde
A dombe best wiþoute witte hadde aȝen is kunde
For a widue hadde a wiȝt cou þat wonede þer biside
Þat ȝeode aday to uecche hure mete in þe wode wel wide
Þere sein Kenelm was ibured in þe valeie þer doune
Ech dai wolde þis wite cou wanne hi come fram toune
To vecche hure mete wiþ oþer kun renne he wolde al one


Into þe ualeie & bileue hure felawes echone
And sitte aboute þis holy bodi forte eue al longe day
As it were to honuri him for it al one lay
And so he sat wiþoute mete alday to þan ende
And wanne þat it was eue hamward he wolde wende
And an eue wanne he come hom fat and rond he was
And so fol of milk also þat me wondred of þat cas
For þer nas non of þe oþer kun þat so muche milk half ȝeue
As fol he wolde amorwe beo þei he were imilked an eue
Wo so hadde such kun inowe he nere noȝt to bymene
Þei is larder were nei do and is somer lese lene
Þe folk þat þis wonder isei god ȝeme mid alle nome
And awaitede wel a day ware þis cou bicome
And iseie hure sitte alday in þe valeie þer doune
Meteles stille in one stude forte he[o] ȝeode an eue to toune
And wi he[o] leie þere so hy ne miȝte wite noþing
Ac in hore herte hi þoȝte wel þat it was som toknyng
For þis cou wonede so þer and ech day drou þerto
Coubache me clupede þe ualeie & ȝute me doþ also
In Coubach þis holy body lay wel moni a ȝer
Þat me nuste of him noȝt as ich ȝou sede er
For is soster was so fers and in grete prute ibroȝt
And such þretynge for him made þat me ne dorste him nemne noȝt
Þo þis holy body nemoste beo [] ikud in Engelonde
Oure Louerd þat wot alle þing þerto sette is honde
For as þe pope stod at Rome and song is masse a day
At seinte Petres weued in churche as al þat folk ysay
A coluore wittore þanne eni snou com doun fram heuene fle[o]
And leide upe þe weued a lite writ & suþþe gan to heuene te[o]
And flei up aȝen anhei as oure Louerd it wolde


Þis writ [was] wiȝt & ssinde briȝte þe lettres al of golde
Þe pope þonkede Iesu Crist and al þat folk also
Þe pope nom þis holi writ þo þe masse was ido
He nuste wat it was to segge ne in wit neccuþe iwite
For he ne couþe Engliss non and an Engliss it was iwrite
He let clupie ech maner men of ech diuerse londe
Ȝif eny couþe of þis holy writ eny þing vnderstonde
Þo were þere men of Engelond þat weste wat is sede
And vnderstode wel þat writ þo hi it hurde rede
Þe writ was iwrite pur Engliss as me radde it þere
And to telle it wiþoute rime þis wordes riȝt it were
In Clent Coubach Kenelm kinges bern
Liþ vnder a þorn heued bireued
Þis writ was wel nobliche iwest and up ido
And iholde for grete relike & ȝute it is also
Þe nobloste relike it is on þerof of al Rome
As it aȝte wel wo so vnderstode riȝt wel wanne it come
For wanne it out of heuene com & of oure Louerdes honde
Wat noblore relike miȝte be[o] i necan noȝt vnderstonde
Þere uore sein Kenelmes day as þe pope made is heste
At Rome hi holdeþ heiliche and makeþ swuþe gret feste
Þo þe pope to soþe weste wat was þe toknynge
Is messagers into Engelonde he sende wiþ þis tiþinge
To þe erchebissop of Kanterburi Wolfred þat was þo
Lettres he sende þat he ssolde of such þing vndergo
And seche out þe wode of Clent ȝif eni mon it miȝte iwite
And suþþe a þorn in Coubach as it was in þe write
And seche out so þat holy body þat deorneliche lay þere
And do þer wiþ wiþ gret nobleie þat it issrined were
Þo þis lettre fram þe pope to þe erchebissop com
Of bissops & of is clerkes conseil þerof he nom


So þat in þe wode of Clent þat in Wircetre ssire is
Hi lete seche þis holy body and fonde it oute iwis
Vnder þe þorn of Coubach as þat writ sede of Rome
And for þe erore miracle of þe cou þe watloker þerto i come
For þe contreiemen þer biside þat vnderȝite þis cas
Ortrowede wel war it lay for þe miracle so uair was
Anon so hi nome up þis holi bodi a welle spreng up þer stod
Of þe stude þat he lai on þat ȝute is cler and god
For þer is a welle fair inou and euere eft haþ ibe[o]
In þe stude þat he lay on as me mai þere ise[o]
Þat me clupeþ sein Kenelmes welle þat monimon haþ isoȝt
And moni haþ of gret siknesse þoru þe water be[o] ibroȝt
Of þe cite of Winchecombe and of þe contreie þer biside
Þe men were mest þat soȝte so to make þe bodi abide
For þe bissops hadde er iloked þat it ssolde be[o] þuder ibroȝt
And issrined þare is fader lay and rerede þat hous biuore
Þis men nome up þis holy body þat of Gloucetre ssire were
And nobliche toward Winchecombe wiþ procession it bere
Þat folk of Wircetre ssire þat wonede þere biside
Nome hom to rede monion to make þat bodi abide
Hy swore þat hi it wolde habbe & nomon hom ssolde reue
For in þe ssire þat it was ifonde þer it ssolde bileue
Bi þe water of Pireford þes to ssires hom mette
And contekede for þis holy body and faste togadere sette
So þat hy nome a forme of pais to do up Godes grace
Ȝif God wolde is wille hom ssewe ar hi wende out of þe place


Fortrauailed hi were sore þat hom luste slepe echon
Hi made an forme þat hi ssolde ligge and slepe anon
And weþer of þis tweie ssiren watloker miȝte awake
Al sauf ssolde wende forþ & þat body mid hom take
Stille hi leie and slepe uaste þeos ssirene boþe two
And reste hom for hore werinesse oure Louerd it wolde so
So þat hi of Gloucestressire bigonne to wake echon
Alle at o tyme as God it wolde & of Wircetre ssire noȝt on
In pais hi wende forþ hore wey & þis body wiþ hom toke
Vif mile wey hi were awend ar þe oþer awoke
Þis oþer iseie hom bigiled anon so hi gonne awake
Hi gonne to siwe þis oþer uaste ac hi nemiȝte hom noȝt oftake
Þis men touward Winchecombe þis holy body bere
Ar hi it miȝte þuder bringe swuþe weri hi were
So þat hi come in a wode a lite by este þe toune
And reste hom so hi were so ney up an hei doune
Aþurst hi were for werinesse so sore þat it nas ende
For sein Kenelmes loue hi bede som drinke oure Louerd hom sende
A cold welle and fair þer sprong up anouwarde þis doune
Þat ȝute is þere fair & cold half a mile fram toune
Wel faire it is iheled nou wiþ freo ston as riȝt is
Iredi ech mon to drinke of þat comeþ þeruorþ iwis
Þe monkes suþþe of Winchecombe irered habbeþ þer biside
A uair chapel of sein Kenelm þat men secheþ wyde
Quendride þis luþer quene at Winchecombe þo was
He[o] nuste hure broþer noȝt so ney ne noȝt of þat cas
He sat in seinte Peter is churche biside þe abbei ȝate
In a soler in þe est side and loked out þer ate
Þo sey he[o] al þis grete folk adonward þis doune heie
Toward Winchecombe come riȝt vnder Souþ Leye
He[o] ofesste wat men it were and wat hi þoȝte þere


Me sede hure þat hi to churche wolde and þat hure broþer bere
Þo was þis quene so sori in gret deol and fere
Hure sauter anhonde heo nom as heo witles were
Of þe sauter þe laste saume touore euesong iwis
Of corsinge of luþer men and of mansinge ymad is
Deus laudem he is icluped þis saume þe quene radde
Forto acorsi hure broþer body and þat him þuder ladde
Þo he[o] com to þe nyenteþe uers as þe mansinge endeþ iwis
Þat Hoc opus eorum a Latin icluped is
Þat seiþ wat men it ssolde beo þat auonge solleþ such dede
Ope hure owe heued it com as he[o] gan þat uers rede
For riȝt as he[o] þat uers radde out borste boþe hure eiȝe
And falle adoun up hure sauter as monymen iseie
And þat was me þincþ wel ido day þat hure bymene
Heo bylou noȝt hure tricherie hure biȝete was wel lene
Þe sauter is ȝute at Wynchecombe & wo so wolde come þerto
Þer me may ȝute ise[o] ware þe dede was ido
Þis holy bodi was forþ ibore wiþ gret honur atte fine
To þe abbeie as he liþ ȝute and ido in noble ssrine
Þis luþer quene deide suþþe in ssennesse inou
Þe body as a corsed wrecche in a sori dich me drou
In þe fouleste þat þer was ney and þer inne me it slou
Bote hure endinge ssenfol were iwis it were wou
Nou God for sein Kenelmes loue is swete grace us sende
Þat we mote to þulke ioie þat he is inne wende