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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Secundum est memoria passionis, ut in principio euangelii huius diei.

In the gospel eke al-so
hit mynnes on Cristes passioun
to excite monnes wille tho
to penaunce and contricion,
And ys sette at bigyn[n]yng
in the selue ewangely,
as I in Latyn schal ou myng,
how Ihesu spake in prophecy:—

Ecce ascendimus Ierosolima &c.

Criste sayde to Ierusalem goynng,
‘lo now we gone to that cite,
fulfyllet sal be althing
of prophetes spoken bifor of me.’
Whit folk he sayd he schuld be hent,
scornet, scourget, sputte opon,
and when he wer schamely schent,
after slayne bothe God and mon;
But rise he wolde the thrydde day,
as he tolde hym-selfe byfore,
so by thys gospel, I may say,
mynde of hys passion meues more


A mon to penaunce and to pray
for-ȝiuenesse that he s[ynn]et sore
and after by contrite verray,
thenne any leson other lore.