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The Original Chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun

printed on parallel pages from the Cottonian and Wemyss mss., with the variants of the other texts: Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by F. J. Amours

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In till þis Adryanis dais
Sext, as þe corniklis sais,
Wes pape of Rome, and ordanit ay
Sanctus at þe mess to say
Forouth þe leuacioun,
And efter þe prefacioun.
He ordanit als the corporall
Off clene lynt to be maid haill,


Faire and quhit, foroutin lit,
And als þat nane suld handill it,
Nor nakyne thing that hallowit ware,
As chalis, towell or altare,
Bot thai that ministerit it in þat degre,
And ordanit ware and had pouste.
And efter him, quhen he wes dede,
Thelesslour sat in till his steid
Thre monethis and xi. ȝere,
And xxii. dais neire.
He first ordanit to fast ay
Sex wolkis haill befor Pasche day,
And Gloria in excelsis he
Ordanit at the mess to be
Said, and on the Ȝule day
He bad thre messes be said ay:
At cokcraw the first mess,
For Crist in þat tyme borne wes;
The toþer syne ordanit he
In the dawing songing to be,
For þat tyme Crist in clathis clene
Wes sweyllit and with hirdis sene,
And worschippit full deuotly,
As Luke beris witnes verrayly;
Syne the thrid mess of þat day
Efter terce he ordanit ay
To be songin, quhen at þe licht
Off our redemptioun shynit brycht.