University of Virginia Library

The tenth Sonnet.

[O deere Life, when shall it bee]


O deere Life, when shall it bee,
That mine eyes thine eyes shall see,
And in them thy minde discover,
Whether absense have had force
Thy remembrance to divorce
From the image of thy Lover?


O if I my selfe finde not
By thine absence oft forgot,
Nor debard from Beauties treasure,
Let no tongue aspire to tell
In what high joyes I shall dwell,
Onely thought aimes at the pleasure.


Thought therefore will I send thee
To take up the place for mee,
Long I will not after tarrie:
There unseene, thou maist be bold
Those faire wonders to behold,
Which in them my hopes doo carrie.



Thought, see thou no place forbeare,
Enter bravely everie where,
Seaze on all to her belonging:
But if thou wouldst garded bee,
Fearing her beames, take with thee
Strength of liking, rage of longing.


O my Thoughts, my Thoughts surcease,
Your delights my woes encrease,
My life fleetes with too much thinking:
Thinke no more, but die in mee,
Till thou shalt received bee,
At her lips my Nectar drinking.
Finis Syr P. S.