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Satire 27.

[And praie now why is there noe likelyhood]

And praie now why is there noe likelyhood
That Agus should doe his yong wife noe good?
Heare my example, and I'le proue it then,
That none please yong Girles like these aged men.
A yong-man hauing matter to endite,
With manie wordes superfluous hee doth write,
Loading the paper with much Idle stuff,
O'rechardging it with much more then enough.
Whereas an aged man dus neuer write,
But vntoth' purpose hee dus still endite.
What e're ould men doe doe: (I doe not flatter)
Toth'purpose tis: they roundly goe toth' matter.
And therefore Tatlus, why art such a one,
To thinke that Agus sonne, is not his sonne?
Ist cause the boie is such a chopping ladd?
Or cause hee is not hair'd like his old dadd?
If this bee all? then thou a fault art in,
Why Tatlus, hee is like his mothers kinn,
His mother couzens hath: fine proper men,
The boie in fauour maie bee like to them.

Or like his god-fathers the boie may bee,
That falls out oft, although noe kinn you see.
Fie Tatlus, I faith thou hast a slaund'rouus tongue,
To doe an old-mans yong-wife soe much wrong:
Why old-mens breath getts boies, it is soe strong.