A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ||
Under Maurice beginning 584
Goiswinth the wicked Queen of Spain goes not
Hence free, for judgment dasht out here one Eye.
A Dreadfull Earthquak Antioch makes trot
That sixty thousand persons did destroy
And justice gives King Chilperick his pay
His wife sent one at Cales that did him slay.
Hence free, for judgment dasht out here one Eye.
A Dreadfull Earthquak Antioch makes trot
That sixty thousand persons did destroy
And justice gives King Chilperick his pay
His wife sent one at Cales that did him slay.
Child'bert when Longbards ragde in Italy
Maurice did hire him to unroost them thence
And sent him fifty thousand solids[?] high
And on he goes: his journey did Commence
But going on, meets gifts the Longbard sent
The which he took and back again he went.
Maurice did hire him to unroost them thence
And sent him fifty thousand solids[?] high
And on he goes: his journey did Commence
But going on, meets gifts the Longbard sent
The which he took and back again he went.
He paid for this erelong, a draught of Wine
Did send him and his Wife unto their home.
From January to September shine
And dismall Draught. Locusts and famine come.
A firy Pillar in the sky palde round
With stars is seen: a Comet now is found.
Did send him and his Wife unto their home.
From January to September shine
And dismall Draught. Locusts and famine come.
A firy Pillar in the sky palde round
With stars is seen: a Comet now is found.
Pope Gregory this story pend, a Boy
Usd through parentall fondness to blaspheme
And Curse Gods name Even from his Cradle ly.
He say ill spirits on him rush; a stream
Him violently snatcht without controle
From's fathers arms and took away his soule.
Usd through parentall fondness to blaspheme
And Curse Gods name Even from his Cradle ly.
He say ill spirits on him rush; a stream
Him violently snatcht without controle
From's fathers arms and took away his soule.
Legate Rathare that Theodore abusd
And pield Marselles Church God makes to smart.
King Guntrans army, to such mischiefe usd,
Are some assisde by Divels, and out start,
Grew raging mad: Sing tantarums and some
Seditious grew. Some kill themselves and bomb.
And pield Marselles Church God makes to smart.
King Guntrans army, to such mischiefe usd,
Are some assisde by Divels, and out start,
Grew raging mad: Sing tantarums and some
Seditious grew. Some kill themselves and bomb.
Cajanus with his Avars, Huns and Sclaves
Spoils greatly now with fire and sword untill
Before Constantinople out he braves
The plague at once, seven of his Children kills.
Hence fearing Wrath Divine his Captives all
He tendereth for pence a piece, price small.
Spoils greatly now with fire and sword untill
Before Constantinople out he braves
The plague at once, seven of his Children kills.
Hence fearing Wrath Divine his Captives all
He tendereth for pence a piece, price small.
Maurice in passion will not give it. Hence
Cajanus slew them all and home returnd.
This Cruelty of Maurice gave offence
His people hence with hate against him burnd
This turned to his utter overthrow
Of which in vision he was made to know.
Cajanus slew them all and home returnd.
This Cruelty of Maurice gave offence
His people hence with hate against him burnd
This turned to his utter overthrow
Of which in vision he was made to know.
He saw in sleep before his Palace gate
Himselfe stand guarded with a mighty train.
And from Christs Picture and loud voice thus spake
Deliver Maurice. Sergeants then him gain
And set him fore the Purple Umblick there
Which to him in his mother tongue spake cleare,
Himselfe stand guarded with a mighty train.
And from Christs Picture and loud voice thus spake
Deliver Maurice. Sergeants then him gain
And set him fore the Purple Umblick there
Which to him in his mother tongue spake cleare,
Thus, Where shall I deliver him to thee?
In this, or th'other World? Which heard he said
Kinde Lord, Just judge, here rather let it bee
Than in that World. The Voice then Command made
That Maurice, Constance (whom to wife he had)
Children and Kin Phocas have tendered.
In this, or th'other World? Which heard he said
Kinde Lord, Just judge, here rather let it bee
Than in that World. The Voice then Command made
That Maurice, Constance (whom to wife he had)
Children and Kin Phocas have tendered.
Soon after this the people tumult, take
Deliver him and his to Phocas, who
His Wife and Children slays 'fore him, who spake
Lord, just thou art, thy judgment's righteous too.
Then he was slain and from his body dead
There issued forth milk with blood mingled.
Deliver him and his to Phocas, who
His Wife and Children slays 'fore him, who spake
Lord, just thou art, thy judgment's righteous too.
Then he was slain and from his body dead
There issued forth milk with blood mingled.
And thus we see the milke white glorious streams
Of justice shining in these Instances
And might fetch many more out of the veans
Of this sad Century, of sentences.
Some few you may observe as they forth shine
In Miracles, which here I underline.
Of justice shining in these Instances
And might fetch many more out of the veans
Of this sad Century, of sentences.
Some few you may observe as they forth shine
In Miracles, which here I underline.
A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ||