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To is scauberc he pulte is hond al prest a suerd he vond
Þerinne þoru god ysend no betere nas in þe lond
In þe kinges tresorie þat suerd iwust ys
As uor noble relike ȝut to þis daye ywis


Yegged it is in þe on half & in þe oþer noȝt
Þer ne miȝte neuere gold ne seluer þer on ben ybroȝt
Þis noble king aþelston þo þis gode suerd to him com
Nobliche & wel he faȝt & so god ernest to him he nom
Þat fram þat þe sonne aros vorte hit derc niȝt was
Þe batayle ylaste & neuere wery he nas
Wat þoru is stalwardhede wat þoru godes grace
Mony was þe gode body þat he slou in þe place
Þe batayle was at brymesbury & þer were of deneys
& of scottes aslawe & al so of yreis
Vif ȝonge kinges proute þoru alle þing
& þe proute constantin þat of scotlond was king


& of oþere þat were aslawe me ne miȝte non ende yse
Hii þat of scapede aliue bigonne vaste to fle
Þus þe king aþelston agaste þo is fon
& vor hii ne ssolde in is lond abbe recet non
Þe castel of euerwik to grounde he let caste
Vor is fon were ofte þer inne þe wule he ylaste
Þat hii nadde no recet vor to greuy is lond
Also of ech maner purchas þat com bi is hond
Oþer þat eny of is as in purchas nome
He vorbed þat neuere more among is spence ne come
Ac to hous of religion þat me hit al clene bere
& to poueremen aboute þat meseyse were
Alle þe kinges of walis he broȝte al to lawe
To hereford al vnder him to is wille uawe


Þat tuenty pound of golde ech of hom bere
& þritti pound of seluer fram ȝere to ȝere
& tuenti þousend oxen ek to þis golde
& hauekes & houndes as mony as he wolde
To certein woniinge he hom broȝte boþe lowe & heye
So þat hor woniinge were al bi weste weye
& no þing in þe est alf so þat weye ywis
Ȝut to þis day to delþ engelond & walis