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The miscellaneous works of David Humphreys

Late Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the Court of Madrid

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Forerunners of this period wars shall rise,
And scenes of horror new beneath the skies—
A monster-pow'r usurp the mighty void
Of thrones subverted and of states destroy'd:
The fruitful parent of unnumber'd woes,
Nor less destructive to his friends than foes;
With grasp fraternal when he stops the breath,
Gloomy as night and terrible as death!
No beast more fell, with rage and vengeance swell'd,
Th' Apocalypse in Patmos' isle beheld.


With half a thousand feet he treads down kings,
And strives to soar with five times fifty wings;
Five heads the monster rears with serpent eyes,
And opes his mouths with boasts and blasphemies:
Where'er he moves he blasts the conquer'd land,
And deals destruction with unsparing hand;
Surrounding monarchs paralys'd with awe,
Crouch the weak knee, receive th' unrighteous law:
While Rome's high pontiff from his sev'n hills hurl'd,
In consternation leaves the papal world.