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Wearing of the gray

being personal portraits, scenes and adventures of the war

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Page 317

9. IX.

In June, 1863, General Lee was going to set out for Gettysburg.
To mask the movement of his infantry from the Lower
Rappahannock, a cavalry review was ordered, on the plains of

That gay and gallant commander, General Fitz Lee, thereupon,
sent word to General Hood to “come and see the review,
and bring any of his people”—meaning probably his staff and

On the second day the gray masses of Hood's entire division
emerged, with glittering bayonets, from the woods in the direction
of the Rapidan.

“You invited me and my people,” said Hood, shaking hands
with General Fitz, “and you see I have brought them!”

Laughter followed, and General Fitz Lee said:

“Well, don't let them halloo, `Here's your mule!' at the

“If they do we will charge you!” interrupted General Wade
Hampton, laughing.

For all that the graybacks of Hood, who duly attended the
review, did not suppress their opinions of the cavalry. As the
horsemen charged by the tall flag under which General R. E.
Lee sat his horse looking at them, a weather-beaten Texas of
Hood's “Old Brigade” turned round to a comrade and muttered:

“Wouldn't we clean them out, if Old Hood would only let us
loose on 'em!”

The infantry never could forgive their cavalry brethren the
possession of horses—while they had to walk.