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Rome's Witlings swore
‘That treaty soon must fling the Empire's gates
Open alike to Roman and to Goth.’
That was its chief of merits! Stilicho
Had faith in Rome her children feel no longer,
Faith in her destiny, faith avouched, proclaimed,
Her destiny to raise not some few nations
But earth itself to her imperial height;
Barbaric nerve with Rome's Traditions blent
Alone could work that work; alone sustain it.
This was the dream, not work, of Constantine:
Augustus, Trajan's self, not even in dream
Had grasped the thought. Rome ruled the East and West:
She might have won the North not less and held it:
Stilicho added thus: ‘Romans, that work
Is not the sword's alone. In Gaul, Iberia,
'Twas work ill done. Conquering, Rome civilized them,


But conquered first; and bondage means corruption;
The Germans she must civilize first; then rule;
Help them to fell their forests, fence their fields,
To bridge their floods, in every noble art
Ungrudgingly initiate them, invite
Their Chiefs to Rome; as princes there receive them;
By intermarriage fuse their race with hers;
Teach them her laws to venerate, share her greatness
And draw them thus, unvanquished, incorrupt,
To seek admission to that world-wide Empire
Raised for Man's weal. There lived a man Elect—
He loved the Race Barbaric—he was of it:
He loved your Rome—since youth he fought its battles;
The aim persistent of that man was this
Twofold to magnify your Roman Empire,
And make its rule perpetual. Fools! fools! fools!
The man ye hated was your last of friends:
The warrior whom ye dreaded was, in head
A politic Sage, in heart a man of peace.
Ye know the rest. The vilest of your vile ones,
Olympius, won your Emperor, made him dream
The Father of his Wife, his second father,
The saviour of his Empire—of his life—
Some vulgar huckster was, or politic knave
Trafficking in Empires as a merchant's wares,
The Goths, for Gaul designed were at Bologna,
Among them Stilicho. The Roman host,
Their brave compeers on many a well-fought field,
Camped at Pavia. There the Emperor joined them:
Three days irresolute he sat; the fourth,
Addressed them thus: ‘Legions of Rome, ye march
To Gaul, the host barbaric at your side;
No wish was this of mine.’ Drugged by Olympius,


Those legions rose in mutiny: they slew
The friends of Stilicho round Honorius ranged,
The chief ones of the army and the State;
The streets ran red with blood: the fires rushed up:
Honorius hid disguised in slave's attire:
Olympius sought him out: he bore a parchment:
‘The head of Stilicho:’—Honorius snatched it:
In mingled rage and fear your Murderer signed.
Bologna heard: then rose the cry of ‘Vengeance:’
Stilicho spake: ‘The Emperor is deceived:
I served his Father: never hand of mine
Shall war against his standard; never dash
Goth against Roman.’