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Nobles of Rome—I scorn to call you Romans—
Ye bade me to your banquet; I have come,
Not therefore trencher-guest. I come to strike
A dagger-worded edge of just revenge
Far on through treason's heart. My sword—you see it—
Too long, like Stilicho's, it served your State—


Is snapt in twain. I brake it as I passed
Upon the stone neck of that idol Jove
Which, ten years prostrate, shames your Capitol.
That Capitol whose gates Stilicho shattered,
Burning your Sybil's books. I come to tell you
That which was writ within that Sybil's books
In its last page, unless that Sybil lied.
There sit two hundred of you: ye can slay me
If my discourse—I think it will—molests you.
What then? I shall have told the truth and died.
Lords, would ye learn who taught me those two lessons?
The man a week since murdered, Stilicho.
Lords, let me tell you somewhat of that man
By you perchance—a week is long—forgotten:
I knew him well and owed him my advancement.
Stilicho was my friend: behoves it, sirs,
Ye learn his history from first to last;
So shall the dead man be his own avenger.
That man was Vandal. In late years your Rome
Has condescended oft to aid Barbaric:
Great Theodosius never marched without him;
His counsel on the battle-field was law,
His presence inspiration. Victory
Dawned on the face of every Roman soldier
When came the tidings, ‘Stilicho is near:’
I heard the Emperor say, ‘This Vandal Chief
Is Roman of the Romans.’ As he passed
A shout rang out, ‘Fabricius,’ or ‘Camillus:’
Never they named him with your later names!
In every province he had held command
Yet no man taxed him with an ‘itching palm.’
The Emperor linked him with the Imperial House
By marriage; dying, placed him o'er his sons,


Regent of East and West.