University of Virginia Library


Hymn 11.

[O 'tis enough! my God, my God]

O 'tis enough! my God, my God,
Thy hand withhold, Thy wrath forbear;
Spare, for I hear the speaking rod,
Thy prodigal in mercy spare,
And in Thy gracious arms embrace,
And kiss the sorrow from my face.
My every idol I resign,
By Thy afflicting love compell'd;
Jesu, the victory is Thine,
Hardly at last I yield, I yield
With every creature-good to part,
I give Thee all this worthless heart.
With solemn dread my life, my fame,
My friend I on Thy altar lay,
All human help, and hope disclaim,
And meekly wait the welcome day,
That shall my weary soul release,
And lull me in eternal peace.
O might I now Thy goodness taste,
And know the pardoning God is mine,
Calmly lament, and groan my last,
Into Thy hands my soul resign,
And plunge into the depths above,
The ocean of Thy heavenly love!