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The Prisoner of Love

By F. W. Orde Ward (F. Harald Wiliams)

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Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground.”—St. John viii. 6.

God speaketh through His earth and sky
To all who have the upward look,
In His fair Nature riddlingly,
And bids us read its open book;
For every little leaf or nook
Is stamped with His Divinity,
Each thing we greatly fear or woo
Must be some line or letter too.
But ere we spell a single word
On the broad space with wisdom set,
And ere His message may be heard
Which in the tiniest blade is met,
We must first learn His alphabet
And have the hearts within us stirred;
But when we truly love and trust,
We trace His lessons even in dust.
For Jesus did not write in vain
The one Epistle, that He wrote—
It lasteth, and we read through pain
Its teaching in the smallest note;
Upon the ground, in stars remote,
We see its parables again;
In every spot alive or dead,
The shadow of the Cross is shed.