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Art and Fashion

With other sketches, songs and poems. By Charles Swain

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God help the orphan,
Homeless and desolate,
Few to commiserate,
God help the orphan!
Sad to be brotherless,
Woe to be motherless;
God help the orphan!
Thou, in whom love doth dwell,
Deeper than tongue can tell;
Help Thou the orphan!
Fatherless none can be,
Whilst in eternity
Ruleth the Deity,
None can be fatherless!
Dews of Thy mercy shed
On the poor orphan's head;


Bid him still kneel to Thee,
Look up to heaven, and see,
Though those he loved are gone,
Still there is ever One
Feels for the fatherless!
Blest be the Prayer Thou'st given,
Father, who art in heaven;”
Oh, in our utmost need,
Father art Thou indeed;
Ever when lonely thus,
Sending some friend to us;
Soothing, consoling us;
Thou, who art still the same,
Thou, whom our prayers doth claim,
“Hallowed be Thy Name,”
God of the fatherless!
Thou, whom all hearts doth hold,
Touching with love the cold,
Prompting sweet pity's tear,
Ever in spirit near,
Guarding each tender frame,—
Bless'd be Thy holy Name,
God of the fatherless!


Still through all life may we
Gratefully cling to Thee!
Thou, who from Heaven thus
Kindly hast given us
Friends, that like parents feel,
Watching the orphan's weal;
Friends, who commiserate,
Feel for the desolate:
Friends Thine own hand hath given,
Father, who art in heaven;”
Ever Thy Name we bless,
God of the Fatherless,
Guide of the Motherless,
Help of the Orphan!