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The Choir and The Oratory

or Praise and Prayer. By Josiah Conder

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Psalm xiii.

How long wilt Thou forget me,
O Lord? For evermore?
For ever wilt Thou let me
Thine absent face deplore?
How long in fruitless wailing
Shall I consume the day?
By fraud or force prevailing,
How long my foes bear sway?
Oh! do not Thou forsake me!
Dispel this heavy gloom;
Lest fatal sleep o'ertake me,
The death-sleep of the tomb.
Lest then my foe insulting
Should boast his vile success,
And impious men exulting,
Triumph in my distress.


Lord, in my tribulation,
I trust Thy mercy still;
And surely Thy salvation
My heart with joy shall fill.
Thine aid Thou didst afford me:
Thy praises I will sing;
And, for His mercy toward me,
Will bless my God and King.