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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 100.

[O Lord, we Souldiers are, and we]

Eph. 6. 14. And having on the Breast-plate of Righteousness, &c.

[The First Part.]

O Lord, we Souldiers are, and we
Must fight, or else be slain;
O let us all well armed be,
For Foes come on amain!
And since our Enemies do aim
To hit us on the Breast,
Thy blessed Breast-plate let's have on,
For that will hold the test.
'Tis righteousness that will secure
Our Souls from ev'ry wrong,
And 'twill also, O Lord, endure
As well as it is strong.
There's no engaging in these Wars
Without a Righteousness;
This Breast-plate scatters all our fears,
Who do thy Name profess.


A Breast-plate 'tis that doth preserve
The Body's chiefest part;
'Tis Righteousness which, Lord, doth save
Our precious Souls and Heart.

The Second Part.

A Breast-plate doth the Souldier chear,
It makes him very bold;
So Righteousness doth make us all
Our Sword with courage hold,
And not to fear i'th' day of evil
What any man can do;
Nay we hereby withstand the Devil,
Who doth great malice show.
O then, ye Saints, see you maintain
A good and holy life,
And soon thereby you will obtain
An end of all that strife
With which you meet from Foes without,
And also from within;
O know it is God's great design
To purge you from your sin;
And that you holy should all live,
And hence 'tis you have Grace;
The Seed of Holiness is sown,
And it will grow apace,


If under God's shinings ye sit,
And he his Rain doth send,
Then will your Righteousness break forth,
And peace will flow i'th' end;
And of God's Goodness ye shall sing,
And lift your voice on high,
And happy be when God doth bring
You on Death-Beds to lye.