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1. On Babel.

While the presumpt'ous world, swoln big with pride
Strove to enhance their names, and fondly try'd
To build a Tower, whose ambitions spire
Might kiss the Skies; Jehova in his ire
Dismounts his awful Throne, doth quickly quell
Their rash attempts to teach them to rebell tongues;
Against his Sov'raign power, confounds their
(Before but one) and they'r assembled throngs
He cleerly routs; enforcing them to run
Abroad the world, so leave their work undon:
Thus did the means they use, as safe and sure
T'avoid dispertion, the same procure:
Thus God will bring to naught their counsels still,
Who act contrary to his mind and will:
Great God! when my unlimited desires
Prompt me to ill, quench quench those raging fires,
O let the ill success of Babels Tower,
Tame my proud heart, & bring it one peg lower,
And if I must needs lofty Structures raise,
Grant I may seek thy glory, not mens praise.