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The Works of John Hookham Frere In Verse and Prose

Now First Collected with a Prefatory Memoir by his Nephews W. E. and Sir Bartle Frere

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The civil person (he that to your face
Professing friendship: in another place
Talks in an alter'd tone) is not the man
For a determin'd, hearty partisan.
Give me the comrade eager to defend,
And, in his absence, vindicate a friend!
Whose strong attachment will abide the brunt
Of bitter altercation, and confront
Calumnious outrage with a fierce reproof,
Like brethren bred beneath a father's roof:
Friends such as these may serve for your behoof.
None others.—Mark my words! and let them be
Fix'd as a token in your memory
For aftertimes,—to make you think of me!