University of Virginia Library

De sancto Switthino

Sein Swiþþin þe confessour was her of Engelonde
Biside Winchestre he was ibore as ich vnderstonde
Bi þe kinges day Ekberd þis godeman was ibore
Þat þo was king of Engelond & somdel ek biuore
Þe eiȝteþe king he was þat com after Kenewolf þe kinge
Þat sein Berin dude to Cristendom in Engelond ferst bringe
Ac seint Austin hadde biuore to Cristendom ibroȝt
Aþelbriȝt þe gode kyng ac al þe lond noȝt
Ac suþþe it was þat sein Birin here bi weste wende
And turnde þe king Kynewolf as oure Louerd him grace sende
So þat Ekberd þat was king þo sein Swiþþin was ibore
Þe eiȝteþe was after Kynewolf þat so longe was biuore
Sein Swiþþin þis ȝonge man swuþe ȝong bigan
Forto serui Iesu Crist and to be[o] holy man
Elmeston þe bissop het of Winchestre þat was þo


Sein Swiþþin he made preost as he hadde oþer mo
So þat fram on ordre to oþer sein Swiþþin prest bicom
Clene lif he ladde & god and to gret penance him nom
His godnesse was wide ikud aboute in euerich side
So þat it com þe king to ere it sprong aboute so wide
Þe king louede him swuþe wel and honurede him inou
And made him chef conseiler & to is conseil mest drou
Aþulf is sone and eke is eir he tok him to loke
To norissi and to wardi wel þat he to gode toke
Þat he teiȝte him such porture as such child bicom
Wel him weste þis holyman þat god warde to him nom
[Þo] þe king Ekberd was ded þis child Aþulf is sone
After him was king imad as lawe was and wone
Þis ȝonge king was god inou as sein Switthin him gan rede
After is conseil al he drou and dude al bi is dede
Engelond was þo wel iwest for þe king was god inou
And sein Swiþþin is conseiler after wan he drou
Elmeston þe bissop suþþe of Wynchestre was ded
Þe kyng and oþer heiemen þer of nome hore red
Þis holyman sein Switthin bissop hi made þere
Alle men þat him iknewe ioyous þer of were
Bissop he was milde inou and alle gode he wroȝte
Þe king also to alle gode to Holy Churche he broȝte
So þat þoru heste of þe kyng and þoru is wissinge also
Echman wolde þoru al þe lond is teþinge wel do
Broken churchen oueral sein Swiþþin let up rere
And niwe chirchen in mony stude þer neuere er non nere
Wanne he halwede eny chirche bost ne kepte he non
Biniȝte auote mildeliche þuder he wolde gon
Aȝen him ne kepte he no ridynge ne no bobance ne prute
Ne boban of hors ne of squiers for he tolde þer of lute
He þoȝte of þat þe gospel seiþ þat me takþ of lite hede
Þat woso doþ is dede mid boban him ne tit non oþer mede


For he auongþ is mede here mid þe dede anon
Þat word habbeþ nou forȝute þis heiemen manion
Sein Swiþþin is bissopriche to alle godnesse drou
Þe toun also of Winchestre he amendede inou
For he let þe stronge brugge wiþoute þe est ȝate arrere
And fond þerto lim and ston and þe workmen þat þer were
A day as þis werkmen aboute þis worke stode
And þe contreiemen to chepinge come mid muchele gode
Mid a bagge uol of eiren a womman þer com
A mason sone þis womman inis folie nom
And biclupte hure in ribaudie as foles doþ ȝute ofte
And brak hure eiren nei echone he ne handlede hure noȝt softe
Þo þe womman hure harm ysei reulich he[o] gan bygynne
For he[o] is hadde igadered longe som seluer to wynne
He[o] weop and made deol inou and cride also anhey
Sein Switthin com þo þer uorþ and þis deol isey
Of þis womman he hadde reuþe he nom up his hond anon
And blessede þe eiren tobroke and hi bicom hole echon
Ase sonde as hi euere were hi bicome attelaste
Glad was þo þis sely womman & þonkede him wel faste
Miȝte eirmangars fare nou so þe baldeloker hi miȝte
Hup[p]e ouer diches ware hi wolde & boþe wraxli & fiȝte
Þe king Aþulf deide suþþe þe king is sone Ekberd
And is sone was king after him þe king Aþelberd
Hit nas noȝt longe þere afterward þat he was imad kyng
Þat sein Swiþþin þis holyman ne drou toward endyng
For he deide þe þridde ȝer þat he was kyng ymad
And þo he ssolde hanne wende is men faste he bad
Þat hi nessolde him burie noȝt in churche wiþ no prute,
Ac somware wiþoute in a stude þat me tolde of lute
In a stude þat me tolde of lest and lest ȝeme me tok
In alle manere þis holyman boban & prute forsok


He deide eiȝte hondred ȝer and in to & sixtiþe ȝere
After þat oure Louerd aliȝte inis moder wombe here
In a stude wiþoute churche þis holi bodi hi leide
Þat me tolde of lite inou þat he him sulf seide
Þer he lai an hondred ȝer & nie ȝer also
And almest þerto fortene niȝt ar he were þanne ido
Bi þe kinges day Edgar þat godman was inou
Þat seint Edwardes fader was þat is owe stepmoder slou
Þis holyman sein Swiþþin ssewede him bi toknynge
Þat me him ssolde of þulke place in herre stude bringe
Þis Edgar was þe niþe king þat after Aþelberd com
Þat king was þulke tyme þat sein Swiþþin þen deþ nom
Þe bissop þat was of Winchestre þo king Edgar was kyng
Seint Aþelwold was þe godeman & holy þoru alle þing
Þe teþe bissop he was þere and after sein Swiþþin com
Þe king of sein Donston and him muche del is red nom
Sein Swiþþin þis holyman a god tyme him gan bise[o]
Wanne god king was and god bissop issrined forto be[o]
A niȝt he com to an holyman inis bedes he lay
In siknesse and sorwe inou as he hadde ido many o day
Aris up he sede to morwe anon & nebilef þou noȝt bihinde
To Winchestre go to þe olde ministre & þer þou sse[l]t finde
Þe gode bissop Aþelwold þat þe teþe is after me
And seie þat ich him grette wel and sende him word by þe
Þat oure Louerd hit haþ biseie þat mi bodi ssel be do
In churche in an herre stude and namore ligge so
And ȝif þou doutest in eny point þat þis be[o] dwellinge
And noȝt soþ þat ich telle nou ichelle sende þe toknynge


For as sone as þ[ou] wolt arise forto do min heste
Þat vuel þat þou so longe hast ne ssel namore ileste
Ac þou worst þerof hol and sond world wiþoute ende
Ȝif þe bissop ne lufþ noȝt þat oþer signe ichelle sende
For wanne ȝe comeþ to þulke stude as ich ligge ȝute
Anouwarde me liþ a ston wiþ oþer boban wel lite
Ringes of ire þer beoþ on inailed þerto faste
Ac þer nis non so strong of hom þat aȝen [ȝou] ssolleþ ilaste
Þat ȝe ne ssolle riȝt liȝtliche drawe up of þe ston
Wiþoute ech wemme & eft aȝen as faste hom sette on
Þis godeman of þis toknynge ioiuol was inou
Wel bitime he aros & toward þis wei drou
Ac anon so he dude him in þe wei hol and sond he was
Of þe vuel þat he bar so longe neuere eft igreued he nas
To þe bissop he wende Aþelwold and tolde him al þis cas
Þe bissop þo he hurde þis wel was him þas
Þe ring þat was ek on is ston faste as he sede er
Liȝtliche hy nome up wiþoute wem & as faste sette it þer
Wel þe ioie þat made þo þe bissop Aþelwold
Þis miracle was sone ikud and wide aboute itold
Seint Aþelwold sone wende to Edgar þe gode kinge
And tolde him as was riȝt of þis holy toknynge
Þe gode king was þo glad inou hi nome hom sone to rede
Hou hy miȝte wiþ mest honur do þis holy dede
Hi ensignede a day þerto as hore conseil ysay
Biuore haruest in þe mone uol þe vifteþe day
Hi somned aȝen þis daye heie men inowe þerto
Bissops and abbotes þis holy dede to do
Þo hi come togadere at Winchestre as þis body lay
In vastinge and in orisons hi were niȝt & day
Þat oure Louerd hom ȝeue grace þulke dede wel ende


Þo þe dai him was icome to þe ministre hi gonne wende
Hi reuestede hom faire inou and wiþ god deuocion
Wiþ taperes itend and þe crois & wiþ uair procession
To þe tombe hi wende sone as þat body lay
As it fel in þe monþ of Iul þe vifteþe day
Þis holy bissop Aþelwold as riȝt was forto do
Let dolue to þis holy body & þo hi come þerto
Þer com smite out a swote breþ among þis godemen echon
Þat so gret swotnesse as hom þoȝte ne smulde hi neuere non
Louerd muche is þi miȝte soþ it is ysed
Þat a body ssolde so swote smulle þat so longe hadde beo ded
Ȝe witeþ bi oþere dede men it was muche aȝen riȝte
A blind womman anon mid þe dede in þe place hadde hure siȝte
And mani oþere þer botened ek of stronge uuel and wo
Ȝe wiþinne an ten dawes to hondred and mo
Þis holy body was up inome and wiþ gret honur iwis
Into seinte Petres churche ibore þat þe heiȝe ministre is
And ido þere in vair ssrine wel noble as it liþ ȝute
Þe miracles þat ofte comeþ for him nebeoþ noȝt lite
Issrined he was nye hondred ȝer & in on and twentiþe ȝere
After þat oure Louerd alyȝte inis moder an eorþe here
Nou sein Switthin þat oure bissop was here in Engelonde
Bring us to þe ioie of heuene þoru oure Louerdes sonde