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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Nota quod tria sunt necessaria que proponuntur in epistola & in euangilio huius diei.

Thre nedeful thyngus, takes in mynde,
that in the epistel bene to-day
and in the gospel, as I fynde,
that preuen penaunce nedeful ay.
The furst of hom is charite,
that in the epistel expresset is,
and thus bygynnes, ȝe moun se,
as her is written wel i-wys.

Si linguis hominum loquar, & angilorum, caritatem autem non habeam, factus sum velut es &c.

Paule says thagh he had that grace
to speke as aungel and as mon,
and charite failet in that caas,
vertu fynd he ne con,
Saue as metal that wer sounyng
that turnet no more p[ro]fyt to,
or as a chymbe began to tyng,
no more gode ther-whit might he do;


And þat he had grace of prophecy,
and couth al maner wordly wyt,
and bileuet stidfastly
that he mighe make hulles to flytte,
And failet that vertu of charite,
he says that no-thin[g] worth he wer,
and mo suche poyntes puttes he
in his epistel, as ȝe moun ler.