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The complete works of John Lyly

now for the first time collected and edited from the earliest quartos with life, bibliography, essays, notes and index by R. Warwick Bond

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The attribution of this poem is questionable.

[Hero care not though they prie]

Hero care not though they prie,
I will loue thee till I die,
Ielousie is but a smart,
That tormentes a ielous hart:
Crowes are blacke that were white,
For betraying loues delight.
They that loue to finde a fault,
May repent what they haue sought,
What the fond eie hath not view'd,
Neuer wretched hart hath rew'd:
Vulcan then, prou'd a scorne,
When he saw he wore a horne.
Doth it then by might behoue,
To shut vp the gates of loue,
Women are not kept by force,
But by natures owne remorse.
If they list, they will stray,
Who can hold that will away.
Ioue in golden shower obtain'd,
His loue in a towre restrain'd,
So perhaps if I could doe,
I might hold my sweete loue to:
Gold keepe out at the doore,
I haue loue that conquers more.


Wherefore did they not suspect,
When it was to some effect,
Euery little glimmering sparke,
Is perceiued in the darke:
This is right, howlets kinde,
See by night, by day be blinde.