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Now fare thee well, sweet river—
A long and last farewell!
I am borne from thee forever,
By another stream to dwell!
But I feel, thus sadly roving,
That, beneath the blesséd sky,
There is none so worthy loving
As the noble stream I fly!
Thou hast filled me with a beauty
Like a smile from the Most High;
Thou hast cheer'd me with a murmur,
Still of music, melting by;
I have seen thee in thy glory,
When the loved ones saw thee too;
But I see them now no longer,
And to them and thee, adieu!
Farewell, O billowy water
That still tells me of my youth—
When every sight was gladness,
When every song was truth!
Dark clouds have come about me;
Thou, too, hast felt the change,
And thy billows only flout me
With a murmur sad and strange!
Yet well my heart hath loved thee,
And it dearly loves thee still!
I can not choose but love thee,
Let me roam where'er I will!


Thou art still unto my spirit,
Like a smile from the Most High!
Thou art still most worthy loving
Of all streams beneath the sky!