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A Generall Quarter Court held for Virginia Vltimo Ianuarij 1620:
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A Generall Quarter Court held for
Virginia Vltimo Ianuarij 1620:




The right honorable  Earle of Southampton. 
Earle of Dorsett. 
Earle of Deuonshire. 
Lord Padgett. 
Sr Thomas ffinch.  Sr Nicholas Tufton.  Sr Walter Earle. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  Sr Willm Twisden.  Sr ffrancis Wyate. 
Sr Robert Phillip.  Sr Samuell Sandys.  Sr ffrancis Wyneman. 
mr Henry Mannering.  Sr Edwyn Sandys.  mr Iohn Wroth. 
Sr Edward Lawly.  Sr Phillip Carey.  mr Gibbℯ. [183
Doctor Gulston.  mr Kightly.  mr Chamberlaine. 
mr Deputy fferrar.  mr Iermyne.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Bromfeild.  mr Steward.  mr Seaward. 
mr Wrothsby.  mr Sheppard.  mr Bernard. 
mr Geo: Sandys.  mr Cranmer.  mr Lawrence. 
mr Robte Smith.  mr Scott.  mr Louer. 
mr Linsey.  mr Nicho: fferrar.  mr Widdowes. 
mr Palauacine  mr Rugles.  mr Berblock. 
mr Whitley.  mr Darnelly.  mr Casewell. 
mr Bland.  mr Swinho: 
mr Bull.  mr Chamberlen. 
mr Cartwright.  mr Couell. 
mr Edwardℯ.  wth divers others. 

My Lord of Southampton signified vnto the Company that he had
been mindefull of their former requestℯ, and for that cause had that
morninge been wth my Lord of Doncaster, to §knowe§ his Mats:
answeare concerninge their letter wch his Lop: had formerly pre-
sented to his Matie: who reported that having the same day moved
the kinge to that purpose: It pleased his Matie: to say (having read
the letter) that he found nothing therein wch might not in reason be
granted: And therfore they should finde him ready to doe this
Company all the favour and right they iustly could desire. And
touching there request to renewe their Patent, his Matie: was like-
wise pleased they should goe, to the drawinge vp of their booke being
confident they would be carefull, to insert nothing therein that might
be p̢iudiciall eyther to his power or proffitt: for wch cause his
pleasure was that after they had finished the same, his learned Coun-
sell might pervse it; wch afterward according to their owne desire
might also be confirmed by Acte of Parliament ffor wch most grac̃ous
and Princely favor: extended to towards them, the Court wth exceeding
great ioye and comforte did generally testifie their infinite bounden
thankfullnes vnto his Matie: as likewise vnto his Lop: and that other
noble Lord: who had togeather taken so great paines and Care in a
buissines of so great importance and consequence vnto them all. [184]

My Lo: signified of
his Mats: gracious
answere to their
His Matie: was will-
ing to renew their

The drafte of Sr William Mounsons Patent and other his associatℯ
beinge nowe presented to the Court and read. The Court after a
longe debating of some points therein conteyned wch were thought


not sufficiently explained and having also taken exception against
some other parte thereof: at length ordered that for the better
explayninge of their true meaninge and intent thereby, these Causions
and lymitac̃ons following should be inserted therein: recom̃endinge
the Care hereof to see it done to those former Comittees appointed
to examine the same. vizt.
Sr Willm Moun-
sons Patent read.
Addic̃ons to be in-

  • 1. To Lymitt the Comodities to two first and no other, that the Pat-
    entees shall discover and plant.
  • 2. To add this Proviso in these words that the said two Comodities
    be none of those Comodities pertucularly named in a booke of the
    valuac̃on of the Comodities in Virginia lately published; nor of such
    other Comodities as the Governor and Counsell of Virginia shall have
    also excepted.
  • 3. Thirdly that the Clause touchinge examimac̃on vpon oath be cleane
    left out.
  • 4. ffourthly that there be an exception of all Mynes & Minneralls.

Sr Edwyn Sandys signified that my Lo: of Southampton being one of
the greatest and most auncient Adventurors of this Company having
now a desire wth the helpe and Assistance of some of his freindℯ to
vndertake and advance a perticular Plantac̃on in Virginia, to the
number of 300 shares, moved that a Patent might be granted to his
Lop: and order taken for some p̢paration in the meane tyme to be
there made, for the better encouragemt: of the Adventurors and set-
ting forward of so noble a designe; wch moc̃on the Court generally
condiscended vnto, as beinge willing to giue his Lop: all the hellpe and
furtherance they could in an Action so full of honor: and by wch by
example might [185] drawe on others, wth like resoluc̃on to advance
more perticuler Plantac̃ons in Virginia and thereby in shorte tyme
replenish that Country wth good multitudes of people.

A Patent granted
to my Lo: of South̴-

The Secretaries petic̃on was referred to the Auditors and Comittees
to be considered of who are desired to certifie what they shall thinke
fitt to be donne therein.

The Secrẽ Petic̃on


The Auditors being put in mynde of mr Markhams request for some
allowance for his paines extraordinary in the Companies service. It
was thought fitt to respitt his reward, vntill they had further p̳ceeded
in Sr Thomas Smiths Accounts, whereby his desertℯ that way would
the better appeare.

mr Markhams re-
ward respited.

After these businesses were thus ordered: and the Court nowe full,
my Lord of Southampton moved that if the Company so pleased they
would now goe to the elecc̃on of their newe Gouernor of Virginia who
was to succeed Sr George Yeardly after the expiration of his said
Com̃ission (wch is to determine in Nouemb: next, Sr George Yeardley
having then allso a desire to release and disburden himsellf of the said
place of Gouernmt:) The Court therfore proceeded having agreed to
a present elecc̃on my Lo: prayed the Company that if according to his
former admonition they had bethought themselues of any person of
quality fitting for so eminent a place that would be willing to vnder-
take the due managing thereof that they would now please to nomi-
nate the man, who might be put to the ballating box to geather wth
Sr ffrancis Wyate who was formerly proposed and recomended vnto

My Lo: desired to
goe to the elecc̃on
of their Gou9 nor:

But no other person being so much as named and for that this gentle-
man Sr ffrancis Wyate was both recomended and so well knowne, to
be every way sufficient to take this charge vpon him, he was in this
great and generall Quarter Courte wth the whole consent and appro-
bac̃on of the same, (save two only[703] [186] whose balls were found in
the negatiav box) chosen to be the successiue Gouernor: of Virginia
after Sr George Yeardley: wch place Sr ffrancis Wyate having wth
much thankfullnes accepted of, and with a free acknowledgment of
his affeccon and resoluc̃on constantly bent to doe the Company the
best service he could in that place: It was likewise moued that for
his better encouragement herein the Court would be pleased to
bestowe another favor vpon him by admitting him one of his Mats:
Counsell here for Virginia Wch moc̃on was thought very reasonable


and was generally assented vnto, as being willing in point of honor:
to enhable and encourage him, the better to vndertake the said place
of gouermt: vpon him.
Sr ffrauncis Wyate
chosen Gouernor
Sr ffrancis Wyatℯ
acknowlegmt of
thanks Cr.
Sr ffrancis Wyate
to be of ye Coun-


Letters from Sir George Yeardley to Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning his desire to be released from
office, are mentioned in List of Records, Nos. 247 and 254, page 148, ante.


Two blank pages in the manuscript, not numbered, were evidently unintentionally passed over
by the copyist.