University of Virginia Library



Hymn 6.

[O my condescending Lord]

O my condescending Lord,
How hast Thou to earth stoop'd down!
Sinners vile and self-abhorr'd
Thou dost for Thy brethren own;
O the grace on man bestow'd,
Man is call'd the friend of God!
What can I desire beside?
Jesus for my friend I claim,
Jesus is my faithful guide,
Happy in His love I am,
Fulness of delight I prove
In His all-sufficient love.
From the faithless sons of men,
Saviour, to Thy arms I flee,
Sweetly on Thy bosom lean,
Find my happiness in Thee,
Happiness that cannot fail,
Gloriously unchangeable.
While I thus my soul recline
On my dear Redeemer's breast,
Need I for the creature pine,
Fondly seek a farther rest,
Still for human friendship sue,
Stoop, ye worms of earth, to you!
Jesus, Thee alone I know,
Monarch of my simple heart,
Thou my only friend below,
Thou my heavenly portion art,
Here, and in eternity,
Thou art all in all to me.