University of Virginia Library


I'm going, Jessie, far from thee,
To distant lands beyond the sea,
I would not, Jessie, leave thee now,
With anger's cloud upon thy brow.
Remember that thy mirthful friend
Might sometimes teaze but ne'er offend;
That mirthful friend is sad the while,—
Oh, Jessie, give a parting smile.
Ah! why should friendship harshly chide
Our little faults on either side?
From friends we love we bear with those,
As thorns are pardon'd for the rose:—
The honey bee, on busy wing,
Producing sweets—yet bears a sting;
The purest gold most needs alloy,
And sorrow is the nurse of joy.


Then oh! forgive me, ere I part,
And if some corner in thy heart
For absent friend a place might be—
Ah! keep that little place for me!
“Forgive—Forget” we're wisely told,
Is held a maxim good and old,
But half the maxim's better yet,
Then, oh, forgive but don't forget!