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Matthew Prior. Dialogues of the Dead and Other Works

in Prose and Verse. The Text Edited by A. R. Waller

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[Still, Dorinda, I adore]

Still, Dorinda, I adore;
Think I mean not to deceive ye:
For I lov'd you much before,
And, alas! now love you more,
Though I force myself to leave ye.
Staying, I my vows shall fail;
Virtue yields, as love grows stronger;
Fierce desires will prevail;
You are fair; and I am frail,
And dare trust myself no longer.


You, my love, too nicely coy,
Lest I should have gain'd the treasure,
Made my vows and oaths destroy
The pleasing hopes I did enjoy
Of all my future peace and pleasure.
To my vows I have been true,
And in silence hid my anguish,
But I cannot promise too
What my love may make me do,
While with her for whom I languish.
For in thee strange magick lies,
And my heart is too, too tender;
Nothing's proof against those eyes,
Best resolves and strictest ties
To their force must soon surrender.
But, Dorinda, you're severe,
I most doating, thus to sever;
Since from all I hold most dear,
That you may no longer fear,
I divorce myself for ever.