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The Poetical Works of The Rev. Samuel Bishop

... To Which are Prefixed, Memoirs of the Life of the Author By the Rev. Thomas Clare

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Let this Domestic Relique prove,
If not your Father's wealth, his love;
Of all his Father once enjoy'd,
The only Relique, not destroy'd;


Devolving, by unquestion'd claim,
On You—sole Heiress—of our Name.
If, when your Grandsire's Arms you view,
Nature should catch th' affecting cue,
And prompt a pious wish t' explore,
What Form, what Mind, that Grandsire bore,
The very Seal, those Arms which shows,
Some prominent Features will disclose:—
The Silver marks his mental store;
Pure, unambitious, useful Ore:
While ever, like the Gold, his Deed,
Each moral Touchstone's test could plead.—
—For other traits my pencil trust:
Tho' faint the tints, the lines are just.
A Stature, full, compact, erect,—
A Manner, to command respect,—
An Eye, that look'd a friendly joke,—
The frank, but firm Old Briton spoke.


Well-principled, well-inform'd, well-skill'd,
He dignified the part he fill'd;
Wrought no man's wrong—nor e'er delay'd,
When injur'd right requir'd his aid:
Stern to condemn, tho' slow to wound
The guilt, his keen discernment found;
To fraud inflexible;—yet prone
To mitigate suffering folly's moan;
And spare the criminal, while he gave
To sure conviction all the knave:
By Craft, at once admir'd and fear'd;
By Sense approv'd; to Worth endear'd.
Tho' crush'd by pain, entomb'd he lay,
Ere your eyes open'd to the day,
Myself have heard, on public ground,
Within the passing year's short round,
Surviving evidence proclaim
Spontaneous reverence for his name;


While thus the cordial suffrage ran,—
“'Twas generous George, the Upright Man!”
How few among the sumptuous shrines,
Where proud mortality reclines,
Boast merit, on that basis rais'd?
So long remember'd?—or so prais'd?
If aught in his contracted sphere,
An Heart so manly, Hands so clear,
By Spirit nerv'd, by Fortune crost,
With Honour earn'd, with Patience lost,
May that arrear, whate'er th' amount,
Be plac'd, dear Girl, to your account!
To you, may Heaven's award benign,
The Health, to him denied, assign!
To you, with this his Seal, make o'er
His right to Better Days, of yore!
And add, your own Deserts to grace,
All Time's old Debts, to all your Race!