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To the Haters of Popery,

By what Names or Titles soever dignified or distinguished.

Thus 'twas of Old: then Israel felt the Rod,
When they obey'd their Kings and not their God?
When they went Whoring after other Loves,
To worship Idols in new planted Groves.
They made their Gods of Silver, Wood and Stone,
And bow'd and worshipp'd them when they had done
And to compleat their Sins in every way,
They made 'em things call'd Priests; Priests did I say,
A Crew of Villains more Prophane than they.
Hence sprung that Romish Crew, first spawn'd in Hell.
Who now in vice their Pedagogues excell;


Their Church consists of vicious Popes, the rest
Are whoreing Nuns, and bawdy Bugg'ring Priests.
A Noble Church; dawb'd with Religious Paint,
Each Priest's a Stallion, every Rogue's a Saint.
Come you that loath this Brood: this murthering Crew,
Your Predecessors well their Mercies knew.
Take courage now, and be both bold and wise;
Stand for your Laws, Religion, Liberties,
You have the odds, the Law is still your own,
They're but your Traytors, therefore pull them down;
They struck with fear for to destroy your Laws
There, raving mad, you see they fix their paws,
Because from them they fear their fatal fall,
And by them Laws they know you'l hang them all:
Then keep our Laws, the Penal and the rest,
And give your Lives up e'er you give the Test.
And thou great Church of England hold thy own,
Force you they may, otherwise give up none,
Robbers & thieves must pay for what they've done.
Let all thy mighty Pillars now appear
Zealous and brave, void both of hate and fear:
That Popish Fops may grin, lie cheat and whine;
And curse their Faith, while all admire thine.
And thou brave Oxford, Cambridge, and the rest,
Great Hough and Fairfax, that durst beard the Beast.
Let all the Just with thanks record their name
On standing Pillars of immortal fame.
Let God arise, and his Enemies perish